Public transport in Enfield

Bus stop, The Ridgeway, Enfield. Bus stop in The Ridgeway near St John's School, with a Metroline bus passing.

Public transport in the London Borough of Enfield, in north London, England, is a mix of National Rail, London Underground and London Buses services. The public transport authority is Transport for London and the local authority is Enfield London Borough Council.


Station Manager Category Fare zone Coordinates
Angel Road Abellio Greater Anglia F 4
Arnos Grove London Underground n/a 4
Brimsdown Abellio Greater Anglia E 5
Bush Hill Abellio Greater Anglia D 5
Cockfosters London Underground n/a 5
Crews Hill Great Northern F 6
Edmonton Green Abellio Greater Anglia C 4
Enfield Chase Great Northern D 5
Enfield Lock Abellio Greater Anglia E 6
Enfield Town Abellio Greater Anglia C 5
Gordon Hill Great Northern D 5
Grange Park Great Northern E 5
Hadley Wood Great Northern E 6
New Southgate Great Northern E 4
Oakwood London Underground n/a 5
Palmers Green Great Northern C 4
Ponders End Abellio Greater Anglia C 5
Silver Street Abellio Greater Anglia D 4
Southbury Abellio Greater Anglia E 5
Southgate London Underground n/a 4
Turkey Street Abellio Greater Anglia E 6
Winchmore Hill Great Northern D 4

External links