Public holidays in Indonesia

The following table indicates declared Indonesian government national holidays for the year 2015 only—cultural variants also provide opportunity for holidays tied to local events. Beside official holiday, there are the so-called "libur bersama" or "cuti bersama", or joint leave(s) declared nationwide by the government. In total there are 14 public holidays, and 9 "cuti bersama" or joint holidays.

2015 public holidays

Date (Gregorian calendar) Date (Religious calendar) English name Local name Remarks
1 January New Year's Day Tahun Baru Masehi
3 January Rabi' al-awwal 12 Birth of the Prophet Maulid Nabi Muhammad Birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad
19 February Chinese New Year Tahun Baru Imlek 1st day of 1st month of Chinese calendar
21 March Kasa 1 Pawukon 40 Day of Silence Hari Raya Nyepi (Tahun Baru Saka) New Year of Balinese saka calendar
3 April Good Friday Wafat Yesus Kristus (Jumat Agung) Date varies; this is the Friday before Easter Sunday, which is the first Sunday after the first Paschal Full Moon following the official vernal equinox
1 May Labour Day Hari Buruh
14 May Ascension Day Kenaikan Yesus Kristus
16 May Rajab 27 Ascension of the Prophet Isra Mi'raj Nabi Muhammad
2 June Every May of Vaisakha Buddha's Birthday Waisak Date varies according to the Buddhist calendar
17 July - 18 July Shawwal 1-2 Eid al-Fitr 1436 H Idul Fitri (Lebaran Mudik) Date varies according to the Islamic calendar
17 August Independence Day Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan R.I. Mr. Soekarno and Mr. Hatta as the proclamator
24 September Dhu al-Hijjah 10 Feast of the Sacrifice Idul Adha (Lebaran Haji) Date varies according to the Islamic calendar
14 October Muharram 1 Islamic New Year Tahun Baru Hijriyah 1437 H 1st day of the[Muharram], the beginning of the new Islamic year
24 December Rabi' al-awwal 12 Birth of the Prophet Maulid Nabi Muhammad Birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad
25 December Christmas Hari Natal

Other holidays

In addition to the official holidays, many religious, historical, and other traditional holidays populate the calendar, as well as observances proclaimed by officials and lighter celebrations. These are rarely observed by businesses as holidays.

Date (Gregorian calendar) English name Local name Remarks
Dates vary Galungan and Kuningan Galungan dan Kuningan
Dates vary Lantern Festival Cap Go Meh "Ending of 15th days celebration of Chinese New Year"
April 21 Kartini Day Hari Kartini "Women Emancipation Day"
April 22 Earth Day Hari Bumi
May 2 National Education Day Hari Pendidikan Nasional In remembrance of Ki Hajar Dewantara's birthday, a prominent Indonesian educator
May 20 National Awakening Day Hari Kebangkitan Nasional In remembrance of the 1908 formation of the first nationalist group, Budi Utomo
May 22 Reformation Commemoration Day Hari Peringatan Reformasi
June 1Pancasila Day Hari Lahir Pancasila Commemorates Sukarno's 1945 address regarding his views on the Pancasila ideology
July 23 National Children Day Hari Anak Nasional
October 1 Pancasila Sanctity Day Hari Kesaktian Pancasila The day after 30 September Movement
October 2Batik Day Hari Batik
October 5 Indonesian National Armed Forces Day Hari Tentara Nasional Indonesia The founding of Tentara Keamanan Rakyat ("People's Security Army"), the predecessor of TNI.
October 28 Youth Pledge Day Hari Sumpah Pemuda Commemoration of the 1928 Youth Pledge
November 10 Heroes' Day Hari Pahlawan Commemoration of the 1946 Battle of Surabaya
December 22 Mother's Day Hari Ibu

See also
