Public Sector Net Cash Requirement

The Public Sector Net Cash Requirement (PSNCR), formerly known as the Public Sector Borrowing Requirement (PSBR), is the official term for the Government budget deficit in the United Kingdom, that is to say the rate at which the British Government must borrow money in order to maintain its financial commitments.

The PSNCR is distinct from, but often confused with, the United Kingdom national debt, which is the total amount of money owed by the British Government to its creditors at any given time. The greater the PSNCR, the more the National Debt will tend to increase. The PSNCR is also distinct from the debt interest, which is the amount the UK government must pay annually to finance the existing national debt.

Financing the PSNCR

The PSNCR is financed by borrowing - principally by means of the sale of government gilt edged stocks, usually known as gilts.[1] Since 2009 large quantities of gilts have been created and repurchased by the Bank of England under its policy of quantitative easing, with a view to stimulating economic growth.

Recent history

In 1997 the Labour Government of Tony Blair inherited a PSNCR of approximately £5 billion per annum, but by sticking to the parsimonious spending plans of the outgoing Conservative Government, this was gradually turned into a modest budget surplus.[2] During the Spending Review of 2000 Labour began to pursue a looser fiscal policy, and by 2002 annual borrowing had reached £20 billion, before reducing again, to £8 billion in 2008.[2]

Since the 2008-2009 banking crisis began the annual budget deficit has increased significantly. Today the PSNCR stands at around £121 billion, or roughly £2.3 billion per week.

Official coalition Government policy has been to bring down the PSNCR to zero within the lifetime of the current parliament. In his budget speech in March 2011 Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osbourne stated that "Our fiscal mandate is to achieve a cyclically-adjusted current balance by the end of the rolling five year forecast period – which is currently 2015-16".[2] In plain English then - to balance the books.

See also


  1. Financial Dictionary Retrieved March 2013
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 PSNCR Defined Retrieved March 2013

External links