Public Domain Calculator

Public Domain Calculators are applications to help establish whether or not a given work is in the public domain in a given jurisdiction. Calculators work by codifying national copyright legislation and bibliographic metadata.


In 2006 a public domain calculator was launched for the United States on This sites covers public domain calculation for a lot of different types of works in the U.S.

A series of Public Domain Calculators was launched by Open Knowledge, formerly Open Knowledge Foundation, in 2006. Open Knowledge further implemented their result into making calculators available as Application Programming Interface (API's). The project is currently maintained by Open Knowledge France who developed after a research partnership with the French National Library and the French Ministry of Culture.

Kennisland, the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam and the National Library of Luxembourg launched in 2011. These calculators cover most of Europe. The platform invites the community to enhance it by adding calculators. also offers APIs for large scale calculation.

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