Princess Marie-Therese of Hohenberg

Ducal Family of Hohenberg

HH The Duke
HH The Duchess

  • HSH Prince Nikolaus
    HSH Princess Marie
    • HSH Prince Karl
    • HSH Princess Johanna
    • HSH Princess Teresa
    • HSH Princess Sophie
  • HSH Princess Henriette
  • HSH Prince Maximilian
    HSH Princess Emilia
    • HSH Prince Nikolaus
    • HSH Princess Luisa
    • HSH Prince Leopold

Princess Marie-Therese von Hohenberg, Lady Bailey is a member of the Austrian Ducal House of Hohenberg - and is a great granddaughter of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Este (1863-1914), the heir presumptive to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his morganatic wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg.

Family History

Princess Marie-Therese was born on 31 July 1972 the second daughter of HSH Prince Peter von Hohenberg and Princess Christine von Hohenberg. Princess Marie-Therese was educated in Salzburg and Vienna and trained as an architect at the Technical University of Vienna. Her paternal grandfather was HH Duke Maximilian von Hohenberg eldest son and heir of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

All female members of the House of Hohenberg are titled Princess of Hohenberg with the style of Serene Highness.

As a member of the Ducal House of Hohenberg Princess Marie-Therese is descended from and married into, the Imperial and Royal House of Austria-Hungary, and directly related to many other European dynasties including the Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg, the Princely House of Liechtenstein, the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies of Italy, the Royal House of Braganza of Portugal as well as the Bavarian and Württemberg Royal Families in Germany. She is also a blood relation to the British Royal Family through her direct descent from King George II.

In 2007 in a ceremony held in Sintra, Portugal and Salzburg, Austria, Marie-Therese married the renowned diplomatic consultant and interfaith campaigner Sir Anthony Bailey KGCN, OBE, GCSS. Among the couple's witnesses at the three day wedding celebration held in Salzburg were HRH Prince Konstantin-Assen of Bulgaria, Lord Nicholas Windsor, HRH Duchess Fleur of Württemberg and Baroness Scotland of Asthal. The couple have one son Maximilian [1] and live in London and Sintra.

Awards and Appointments

Monarchical styles of
Princess Marie-Therese von Hohenberg
Reference style Her Serene Highness
Spoken style Your Serene Highness
Alternative style Ma'am


External links