Prince Robert, Count of La Marche

Prince Robert
Count of La Marche
Full name
Robert Benoît Paul Henri James Marie
House House of Orleans
Father Prince Thibaut, Count of La Marche
Mother Marion Mercedes Gordon-Orr
Born 6 September 1976
Edinburgh, Scotland
Religion Roman Catholicism
French Royal Family

HRH The Count of Paris
HRH The Countess of Paris

Prince Robert Benoît Paul Henri James Marie of Orléans, Petit-Fils de France, Count of la Marche (born 6 September 1976 in Edinburgh)[1] is the son of the late Thibaut Louis Denis Humbert Marie d'Orléans, Prince de France and Marion Mercedes Gordon-Orr. His paternal grandfather was the late Henri, Count of Paris who was the Orleanist claimant to the French throne with the title Henri VI. As such, Robert would have the status of Petit-Fils de France with the style of Royal Highness. His godparents were Viscount Paul de la Panouse and paternal aunt Princess Claude of Orléans.


See also


External links

Prince Robert, Count of La Marche
Born: 6 September 1976
Preceded by
Prince François d'Orléans
Line of succession to the French throne (Orléanist)
13th position
Succeeded by
Last in line
Preceded by
Prince François d'Orléans
Line of succession to the French throne (Legitimist)
93rd position
Succeeded by
Pedro Carlos of Orléans-Braganza