Prince Narinaga

Prince Narinaga (成良親王 Narinaga Shinnō, also called Prince Nariyoshi) (1326 – 1338/1344) reigned from 1334 to 1338 and was one of two Seii Taishogun during the Kemmu Restoration. He was also Crown Prince in 1336 (one month).

He was a son of the Emperor Go-Daigo and Fujiwara no Renshi (Ano Renshi) (藤原廉子/阿野廉子), daughter of Ano Kinkado. His brothers-uterine were Crown Prince Tsunenaga and Emperor Go-Murakami. In 1336 Prince Narinaga became Crown Prince of Emperor Kōmyō when Emperor Kōmyō made peace with his father Emperor Go-Daigo for the meantime, but when Emperor Go-Daigo escaped to Yoshino with the Imperial Regalia of Japan next month, Narinaga was deposed. He was killed by Ashikaga Tadayoshi along with his brother deposed Crown Prince Tsunenaga in 1338 (according to Taiheiki), or, was placed with Konoe Mototsugu after deposal and died in 1344 (according to Diary by Nakahara no Moromori, 師守記).


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