Primitive Methodist Magazine

The Primitive Methodist Magazine was the monthly magazine of the Primitive Methodist Church in Britain, spanning just over a century. From 1820, the Magazine was edited by Hugh Bourne,[1] who printed the magazine at Bemersley Farm about 2 miles from Mow Cop. Production was moved to London in 1843 when John Flesher became the Editor.[2] One of the more famous editors was H B Kendall,[3] the writer of three major histories of Primitive Methodism.

The Magazine was initially produced as a paper cover booklet. These were later bound in annual volumes, of which the Englesea Brook Museum of Primitive Methodism has a complete set. Hugh Bourne's printing press is also amongst the exhibits at the Museum.


  1. H B Kendall, History of the Primitive Methodist Church, 1919, page 82.
  2. H B Kendall, op. cit., 1919, page 82.
  3. H B Kendall, op. cit., 1919, page 176, Table III, "showing the Succession of Book Stewards and Editors from 1843 to the Present Time".

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