Pre-Joycean Fellowship

The Pre-Joycean Fellowship, abbreviated PJF, was a collective identification that was semi-seriously adopted by several writers known for fantasy and science fiction, to indicate that they value 19th-century values of storytelling. An example of such values is clarity, which was called by Jane Yolen the "lovely limpid quality" of writing.[1]

Steven Brust wrote that "it is in large part a joke, and in another large part a way to start literary arguments."[2]

The term was probably coined by Will Shetterly, and was adopted in imitation of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood,[3] positing James Joyce as the dividing line (in English) between 19th-century fiction intended for a general audience and a modern desire to write for readers who are well educated in the literary history. Writer Tappan King is credited with the comment, "The Pre-Joycean Fellowship exists to poke fun at the excesses of contemporary literature while simultaneously mining it for everything of value."[4]

The name was meant as a joke; a "gathering of the PJF" was an excuse for writers with shared interests to meet at a bar. Steven Brust took the joke public when he began signing "PJF" after his name on his title pages.

Members have included:


  1. Yolen, Jane (2006). Take Joy: A Writer's Guide to Loving the Craft. Writer's Digest Books. ISBN 9781582973852.
  2. Brust, Steven (Dec 12, 1996). "Re: Initials after Brust's name". rec.arts.sf.written (Usenet newsgroup post). 58pu4o$
  3. Shetterly, Will (Aug 5, 1995). "Re: Steven K. Z. Brust, PJF". rec.arts.sf.written (Usenet newsgroup post).
  4. Shapero, Kay (Sep 26, 2008). "Re: Need help with abbreviations". rec.arts.sf.written (Usenet newsgroup post).