Power bandwidth

The power bandwidth of an amplifier is sometimes taken as the frequency range (or, rarely, the upper frequency limit) for which the rated power output[1] of an amplifier can be maintained (without excessive distortion) to at least half of the full rated power.[2][3] (Some specifications may mandate 100% of the rated power; sometimes referring to the full-power bandwidth.)

It should not be confused with "half-power" bandwidth only used in conjunction with filter frequency response curves. Operational amplifiers often use the term (full-) power bandwidth to refer to the frequency limit for the peak output voltage rather than power remaining up to the limit given for DC output voltage capability.

Specifying power bandwidth

Power bandwidth may be specified as a frequency range or as a graph.[4]


  1. Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook by Douglas Self; page 22
  2. http://www.answers.com/topic/power-bandwidth
  3. The sound reinforcement handbook By Gary Davis, Ralph Jones; page 197
  4. http://www.nxp.com/documents/data_sheet/TDA1013B.pdf TDA1013B power amplifier IC specifications