Potato babka

Potato babka
Type Pie or pudding
Place of origin Belarus
Main ingredients Potatoes, eggs, onions, bacon
Cookbook:Potato babka  Potato babka

Potato babka is a savoury dish, popular especially in Poland, where it is known as babka kartoflana, and Belarus. It is made from grated potatoes, eggs, onions, and pieces of smoked, boiled or fried bacon and (especially in Poland) sausage. It is oven-baked in a crock, and often served with a sauce of sour cream and pork flitch. Depending on recipe and cooking method it may be either a flaky potato pie, or a heavy potato pudding.

The dish is similar to the Lithuanian kugelis and the Ashkenazi Jewish Kartoffelkugel.

The Belarusian potato babka is not to be confused with babka, a sweet yeast cake.

See also
