Portus Divinus

The Spanish "Fuerte de Mazalquivir", built over a small roman castrum defending Portus Divinus. In the distance can be seen Oran.

Portus Divinus was a Roman city-port in Berber north Africa,[1] situated at the location of present-day Mers el Kebir (20 km from Oran in western Algeria).


Portus Divinus (called even "Portus Divini") was created in Augustus times by the Romans on the best place for a deep water port in western Mauretania Caesariensis. The place was initially used by the Phoenicians, who established a little port since the second century before Christ. The Romans enlarged the port, that was connected by roads to Caesarea and Numerus Syrorum.

It was a military outpost since Trajan times, like it has been until the French colonization, and is located a few kilometres from what is now Mers el Kebir.[2] Portus Divinus was partially destroyed by the Vandals in 430 AD.

On the promontory of the port there was a small Roman fortification that was enlarged by the Spanish in a huge fort still standing today over their "Mazalquivir" ( a city now called Mers el Kebir).


  1. "Detailed map of Mauretania Caesariensis".
  2. Portus Divinus


See also