Portrait of a Man (Mantegna)

Portrait of a Man
Artist Andrea Mantegna
Year c. 1460–1470
Type Tempera on panel
Dimensions 24.2 cm × 19 cm (9.5 in × 7.5 in)
Location National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

Portrait of a Man (c. 1460–1470) is a painting attributed to the Italian Renaissance artist Andrea Mantegna. It is housed in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA.


The work is generally dated to the same years of the Camera degli Sposi, or anyway from the 1460s-1470s, due to the similarities of the subject with one of the characters portrayed there.

Portrait in the Camera degli Sposi.

The panel is documented for the first time in 1906, in a private collection at Gaál, Hungary. Later it was part of collections in Budapest, Paris and then New York. In 1950 it was acquired by the Samuel H. Kress, becoming part of the National Collection.

It has been attributed also to Giovanni Bellini or to an unknown pupil of Mantegna.


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