Portrait of Paquius Proculo

The so-called portrait of Paquius Proculo is a fresco currently preserved at the Naples National Archaeological Museum that was found in Pompeii. It has been attributed to Paquius Proculo but was apparently found in the house of Terentius Neo, meaning it may depict Neo and his wife.[1] The name of Terentius Neo was revealed by the graffito inside of the house the painting was found in. Paquius Proculus's name appears on an electoral inscription painted on an external wall.[2]


  1. "House of Paquius Proculus". sites.google.com/site/ad79eruption. Retrieved September 28, 2014.
  2. "Paquius Proculus an wife". cir.campania.beniculturali.it. Retrieved September 28, 2014.