Portable operation (amateur radio)

Licensed amateur radio operators often take part in portable operations using radio equipment when traveling. A portable station can be anything from a small QRP (Low Power) radio and antenna, to a top-of-the-line rig, space dependent. On long-distance expeditions, such equipment allows them to report progress, arrivals and sometimes exchanging safety messages along the way.

Kamal Edirisinghe, 4S7AB, from Sri Lanka, operating a portable Amateur Radio station south of Stockholm, Sweden.

Portable operations

Solar Powered Amateur Radio Station on a Bicycle

'Portable' operations is usually signified by amateur radio operators appending the suffix '/P' to their callsign. Operating '/P' normally means that stations are operating away from their licensed station address.

The advantages of /P operation include the use of large empty spaces where full size beam and wire antennas can be erected on tall trailer mounted masts. If operating on VHF/UHF, this can mean a location on the top of a hill or cliff, with clear line of sight to the horizon. The main disadvantage is normally the power supply available. As normal mains grid power is unavailable, the /P operator may have to resort to batteries, portable generators, solar panels".[1] and wind turbines.

Operating amateur radio at sea is known as 'Maritime Mobile', as is signified by the suffix '/MM' on the call. Operating amateur radio from a vehicle is known as 'Mobile', as is signified by the suffix '/M' on the call.

Some countries allow the direct connection of amateur transceivers to telephone lines called "phone patching".[2] Thus, a traveler may be able to call another amateur station and, via a phone patch, speak directly with someone else by telephone. 


  1. "Ham(Radio)ing it Up with Solar Power". KE2YK. Retrieved 2009-07-31.
  2. "Phone Patch, Autopatch and HF/VHF/UHF Operating Guidelines". American Radio Relay League. Archived from the original on 2006-11-30. Retrieved 2007-01-10.