Poppa of Bayeux

Statue of Poppa of Bayeux, Place de Gaulle, Bayeux.

Poppa of Bayeux was the mistress or wife[1] (perhaps by more danico)[2] of Norman conqueror Rollo. She was the mother of William I, Duke of Normandy, and Gerloc. Chronicler Dudo of Saint-Quentin relates that she was the daughter of a count named Berenger, captured at Bayeux by Rollo in 885 or 889. This has led to speculation that she was the daughter of Berengar II of Neustria. A statue of Poppa stands at Place de Gaulle in Bayeux.


  1. Stewart Baldwin, F.A.S.G., Henry Project:"Poppa"
  2. Philip Lyndon Reynolds, Marriage in the Western Church: The Christianization of Marriage during the Patristic and Early Medieval Periods (E.J. Brill, Leiden, New York, 1994), pp. 110-111
