Pope Agatho of Alexandria

Agathon of Alexandria
39th Pope of Alexandria & Patriarch of the See of St. Mark
Papacy began 662
Papacy ended 26 October 680
Predecessor Benjamin I
Successor John III
Personal details
Born Egypt
Died 26 October 680
Buried Saint Mark's Church
Nationality Egyptian
Denomination Coptic Orthodox Christian
Residence Saint Mark's Church
Feast day 26 October (16 Babah in the Coptic Calendar)

Saint Agathon of Alexandria, 39th Pope of Alexandria & Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. St. Agathon was a disciple of Pope Benjamin I, 38th Pope. Pope Benjamin disappeared for a period of time from Chalcedonian persecutors and left Agathon in his place. Agathon went around the streets and markets in the daytime wearing a carpenter's apparel, and during the night wearing priestly vestments, preaching and instructing until the Arabs conquered Egypt and Pope Benjamin returned.

When Pope Benjamin departed Agathon was chosen Patriarch. In his days the building of St. Macarius' church in the monastery at Wadi El Natrun was completed. Agathon was pope for 19 years.


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    Preceded by
    Benjamin I
    Coptic Pope
    Succeeded by
    John III