Pop Culture Press

A music magazine started in Memphis, Tennessee. The magazine moved to Austin, Texas in 1988. The Magazine was made popular by its sampler CD which featured many up and coming artists, such as Cotton Mather, Spoon and others (see list below). The Magazine was started by Luann Williams, but she turned over control of it to Luke Torn in 2005. There were sixty-six issues published, before it became a blog which eventually stopped updating in 2010. Some of the sampler CDs are now collectors items
Luann Williams re-used the brand to create Pop Culture Press Records funded with an Indiegogo campaign. The Record label was created to produce indie band The Black Watch CD: The End Of When.[1]

Bands Featured on Pop Culture Press CD Samplers


  1. Kamradt, Randal. "Notes from the Pacific Rim # 4". Damngoodtunes.com. Bruce J Maier. Retrieved 17 November 2013.

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