Politique étrangère

Politique étrangère is the oldest French journal dedicated to the study of international relations. Created in 1936 by the French Council on Foreign Relations, this quarterly was taken over and published by the Institut français des relations internationales — French Institute for International Relations — when it was founded in 1979.

Open to world debates, Politique étrangère is the first distributor of French analysis for foreign countries. Politique étrangère is a long-term reference for academics, opinion leaders and members of civil society. It aims at highlighting all the key elements as to foreign affairs and offering deep analyses of today's international context.

Each edition offers at least two dossiers about an event or an aspect of the international debate, as well as several articles deciphering the emerging issues. Politique étrangère also places great interest in the latest French and foreign publications dealing with international relations.

We can mention Raymond Aron, André Beaufre, Jacques Berque, Henry Kissinger, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Louis Massignon or even Jean-Paul Sartre among the authors who wrote articles for Politique étrangère.

Editorial staff

External links