Polish National Government (January Uprising)

Polish-Lithuanian-Ruthenian Commonwealth (January Uprising)
Rzeczpospolita Trojga Narodów (Powstanie styczniowe)

Flag Coat of arms
Latin: Si Deus Nobiscum quis contra nos
(If God is with us, then who is against us)
Latin: Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
(For Faith, Law and King)
Claimed borders of the Polish–Lithuanian–Ruthenian Commonwealth during the January Uprising
Capital Warsaw
Languages Polish
Religion Roman Catholic Church
Belarusian Greek Catholic Church
Ruthenian Catholic Church
Government Polish National Government (January Uprising)
Dictator of the Uprising Karol Majewski
Romuald Traugutt
Kastuś Kalinowski
Zygmunt Sierakówski
Antanas Mackevičius
Reds Jarosław Dąbrowski
Ignacy Chmieleński
Stefan Bobrowski
Legislature Sejm
 -  January Uprising January 22, 1863
 -  Disestablished 1865

Polish National Government 1863–64- underground Polish supreme authority during January Uprising against Russian occupation of Poland. It had collegial form, resided in Warsaw and was headed by Karol Majewski. This was normal administrative institution with many ministries and departments.

During 1863-1864 it was a real shadow government supported by majority of Poles, who even paid taxes for it and a significant problem for Russian secret police (Okhrana). It became inspiration for Polish Secret State during World War II. Poland regained its independence from Russia, Prussia and Austro-Hungary in 1918.
