Policy Matters Ohio

Policy Matters Ohio

"For a more prosperous, equitable, sustainable and inclusive Ohio"
Formation January 2000
Type Nonprofit
Purpose economic policy
  • Cleveland, OH and Columbus, OH
Executive Director
Amy Hanauer
Affiliations EARN, Demos, Emerald Cities, Economic Policy Institute, Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, Community Shares of Greater Cleveland, One Ohio Now, Ohio CASH Coalition
Website www.policymattersohio.org

Policy Matters Ohio is an Ohio-based nonprofit, nonpartisan policy research institute that works to create a more vibrant, equitable, sustainable and inclusive Ohio through research, strategic communications, coalition building and policy advocacy. Founded in January 2000, its research focuses on economic issues facing low- and middle-income workers in Ohio. [1]

Policy victories

The work of Policy Matters Ohio has contributed substantially to innovative policy changes that improved the lives of Ohio families and strengthen Ohio communities. These include:

Policy Matters is a member of Greater Cleveland Community Shares, and was honored as the "Member Organization of the Year" for 2008. Policy Matters also has been recognized by The Nation magazine, Cincinnati CityBeat, the northeast Ohio chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, the Mandel Center for Non-Profit Organizations, the Ohio Association of Non-Profit Organizations, the Ohio Federation of Teachers, and Inside Business magazine.

Policy Matters Ohio has received financial support from a number of foundations, organizations and individuals, including the Ford Foundation, the George Gund Foundation, the St. Luke’s Foundation, the Cleveland Foundation, the Sisters of Charity Foundation, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the Public Welfare Foundation, the Stoneman Family Foundation, the Working Poor Families Project, Environmental Health Watch, the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, the Raymond John Wean Foundation, the EMA Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, United Way of Greater Cincinnati, the Doll Family Foundation, Central Ohio Community Shares, and Greater Cleveland Community Shares.[2]

Media Coverage and Accomplishments

Policy Matters has established a strong, credible voice with Ohio policymakers and news media, appearing in every major newspaper in the state as well as television, radio, and web reports. The group's research also gets attention from media outlets outside the state, as what happens in Ohio often has implications on a national and regional level. In addition to releasing reports, Policy Matters researchers write op-eds and present findings on panels and at conferences.[3]


The work of Policy Matters Ohios falls into four major and related areas:

Publication issue areas include: Work & Wages, Inequality, Economic Development, Trade, Basic Needs, Credit & Debt, Unemployment Compensation, Privatization, Education & Training, Budget Policy, Tax Policy, Energy Policy, Corrections Policy, and Democracy. For a full list of reports, visit Policy Matters' Publications page.


External links