Pokémon Trading Figure Game

Pokémon Trading Figure Game

Pokémon Trading Figure Game logo
Designer(s) Kaiyodo (Figure design and creation)
Tsunekaz Ishihara (Game design)
Publisher(s) Pokémon USA Inc.
Players 2
Setup time Very short
Playing time Short
Random chance Medium (Spinning, luck)
Skill(s) required Counting
Social skills

The Pokémon Trading Figure Game (also referred to as the Pokémon TFG) is a collectible miniatures game similar to HeroClix. It is designed by Pokémon USA and based on Satoshi Tajiri's Pokémon media franchise.

It was released in Australia in August 2006, followed by releases in Europe and Southeast Asia later that year. The trading figures have been released in the United States and were released in Japan sometime in 2007. As of March 18, 2008 Mike Liesik announced that the Pokémon TFG will be included in Pokémon Trading Card Leagues so players can earn their rewards in new ways. The first set released is called "Next Quest". The game seems to be played in a luck/strategy format that resembles the boardgame Risk with most actions being controlled by a spin mechanism on the figures. The figures are larger than most other figure games, highly detailed, and meant to introduce this type of game to younger players while holding the interest of older fans of the Pokémon series.

Though released on the announced September 19 date, initial distribution has been slow, and is taking some time to reach full stock levels at many retail outlets.

The upcoming 10th anniversary United Kingdom mall tour will feature an introduction of this new Pokémon line.


If you've played the different Pokémon games, you'll see a strong correlation amongst every part of the Pokémon experience. There will be slight differences—Move Points don't exist in the videogame, but they show up in the TFG as part of its game mechanics, for instance. Our goal is to maintain the spirit of the Pokémon through all the properties—Charizard is still a powerhouse but can be defeated with a solid plan or good luck!

J. C. Smith, the Director of Marketing for Pokémon USA[1]

The Pokémon Trading Figure Game was designed by Tsunekaz Ishihara, a general producer for Pokémon and one of the designers of the trading card game, with Kouichi Ooyama and Mr. Masayuki Miura. They spent several years preparing the game's look and feel to ensure the best possible trading figure game. They aimed at maintaining the spirit of the Pokémon through all the properties, but realized there would be some differences. The figures are designed and created by Kaiyodo, with help from the game designers.[1]


Players take turns moving their Pokémon around the playmat, attempting to get one of their Pokémon on the opponent's Goal. If their Pokémon stops next to an opposing Pokémon, they can choose to battle. In a battle, both players spin their own figures, and the best result wins. A single game can take place on the 3-on-3 playmat or the 6-on-6 playmat. The quick 3-on-3 version lets players explore the basic strategies of the game while the 6-on-6 playmat offers a wider variety of tactics. A player can spin a trainer figure, to use a boost card.[1]

Next Quest set (International Release)

The "Next Quest" set is made up of 42 figures and 8 cards. These pieces are divided into four levels of rarity: white star (extremely rare), black star (rare), black diamond (uncommon) and black circle (common). There are also 2 subsets: the pearl sub-set, which contains all the rare figures and are a pearly colour, and the crystal subset are see through and contains all the EXrare figures. A ref figure is also found in the 9 figure set it would appear it is not part of the nextquest set however as it has the promo symbol underneath.

Two starter sets are available for this collection, entitled "Flamethrower" and "Riptide". Each starter set contains four figures, as well as the following:

There are also four different booster packs available; these do not have individual names but are identified by the four different images on each packaging: Pikachu, Charizard, Groudon, and Feraligatr.


# (International Release) Name Rarity (International Release Only) Starter Set Visible Figure-Spot (US Release Only)
1 Charizard Extremely Rare Flamethrower  
2 Feraligatr Extremely Rare Riptide  
3 Groudon Extremely Rare   1-Figure Booster
4 Ho-Oh Extremely Rare   2-Figure and 3-Figure Booster
5 Kyogre Extremely Rare   1-Figure Booster
6 Lugia Extremely Rare   2-Figure and 3-Figure Booster
7 Abra Rare    
8 Absol Rare   1-Figure Booster
9 Dratini Rare    
10 Eevee Rare   2-Figure and 3-Figure Booster
11 Meowth Rare Flamethrower  
12 Murkrow Rare Riptide  
13 Salamence Rare   2-Figure and 3-Figure Booster
14 Skarmory Rare    
15 Corsola Uncommon    
16 Golem Uncommon    
17 Mudkip Uncommon   1-Figure Booster
18 Pikachu Uncommon Riptide 1-Figure Booster
19 Raichu Uncommon    
20 Scyther Uncommon   3-Figure Booster(Target)
21 Torchic Uncommon   1-Figure Booster
22 Treecko Uncommon Flamethrower  
23 Voltorb Uncommon    
24 Weezing Uncommon    
25 Zangoose Uncommon   2-Figure and 3-Figure Booster
26 Beedrill Common    
27 Doduo Common    
28 Ekans Common    
29 Machop Common    
30 Mareep Common    
31 Marill Common    
32 Nidoran♂ Common    
33 Sentret Common    
34 Shroomish Common    
35 Spearow Common    
36 Tauros Common    
37 Teddiursa Common    
38 Weedle Common    
39 Brock Rare    
40 Misty Rare    
41 Brendan Common Riptide  
42 Red Common Flamethrower  
001 Ref Promo  
1 Turtwig Promo   3-Figure Booster
2 Chimchar Promo   3-Figure Booster
3 Piplup Promo   3-Figure Booster


Next Quest set (US release)

There are several differences between the International and US release.


The US release offers two types of starter sets and three types of booster packs. All retail packagings are made of printed cardboard and plastic clamshell. The 1-figure booster pack has one visible figure-spot. The 2-figure booster pack has one visible figure-spot, and one secret figure spot. The 3-figure booster pack has two visible figure-spots, and one secret figure-spot.

The visible figure-spot in the 1-figure booster pack contains either Groudon, Kyogre, Pikachu, Absol, Torchic, or Mudkip.

The visible figure-spot in the 2-figure booster pack and one of the visible figure-spot in the 3-figure booster pack contain either Ho-Oh, Lugia, Eevee, Salamence, or Zangoose. Scyther was later released as a visible figure in the Target-exclusive 3-figure booster pack.

The second visible figure-spot in the 3-figure booster pack originally contained the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl starters. A Target-exclusive release of the 3-figure booster pack has the starters replaced by crystal variations of the other visible figures.

The secret figure-spots in the 2-figure and 3-figure booster packs contain one random non-promotional figure from the Next Quest set. Red and Brendan trainer figures from the starter sets appear rarely in the secret figure-spot of the 3-figure booster packs.

Figure Distribution

The figures from the US release do not have figure rarity and rarity symbol.

Packaging Contents

The secret figure-spots from the US release booster packs always have one trainer card. All figures from the US release are sold with the spinner base, and the color of the spinner base in the secret figure-spot matches the color of the base in the visible figure-spot of the same pack.

Figure Construction

Beedrill figure from the US release has an additional support rod connecting between the Beedrill figure and the figure base.

Groundbreakers set

Groundbreakers is the first expansion set.

# Name Rarity Starter Set
1 Armaldo    
2 Blastoise    
3 Bulbasaur    
4 Cacnea    
5 Cyndaquil    
6 Elekid    
7 Flaaffy    
8 Geodude   Whirlwind
9 Girafarig    
10 Hariyama   Skydive
11 Jigglypuff    
12 Kabuto    
13 Kadabra    
14 Lairon    
15 Lapras    
16 Larvitar    
17 Latias   Whirlwind
18 Latios   Skydive
19 Linoone    
20 Mankey    
21 Metagross   2-Figure Booster
22 Mewtwo    
23 Mightyena   Whirlwind
24 Noctowl    
25 Poliwag    
26 Psyduck    
27 Raticate   Skydive
28 Slaking    
29 Smoochum    
30 Snubbull    
31 Spinarak    
32 Spinda    
33 Steelix    
34 Venusaur    
35 Wartortle    
36 Wobbuffet    
37 Xatu    
38 Zubat    
39 Green   Skydive
40 Koga    
41 Landon   Whirlwind
42 Sabrina    

Pokémon Groundbreakers "Skydive" TFG Starter contains: Green, Latios, Raticate and Hariyama. Preliminary release date is listed as 12/14/2007 on Amazon.com subject to change; however, the starter set "Skydive" was available and purchased at Wal-Mart in-store as early as 11/15/2007.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Richard George (November 9, 2007). "Pokemon: Trading Figure Game Interview - Comics Feature at IGN". IGN.

External links