Podosphaera clandestina var. clandestina

Podosphaera clandestina var. clandestina
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Leotiomycetes
Subclass: Leotiomycetidae
Order: Erysiphales
Family: Erysiphaceae
Genus: Podosphaera
Species: P. clandestina var. clandestina
Binomial name
Podosphaera clandestina var. clandestina
(Wallr.) Lév., (1851)

Alphitomorpha clandestina Wallr., (1819)
Erysiphe oxyacanthae DC., (1815)
Oidium crataegi Grognot, (1882)
Podosphaera clandestina (Wallr.) Lév., (1851)
Podosphaera minor Howe, (1874)
Podosphaera oxyacanthae (DC.) de Bary, (1870)

Podosphaera clandestina var. clandestina is a plant pathogen that causes a powdery mildew in apricots and peaches.

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