Plenița gas field

Country Romania
Region Dolj County
Offshore/onshore onshore
Operator Sterling Resources
Field history
Discovery 2012
Start of development 2012
Start of production 2015
Current production of gas 300×103 m3/d
11×106 cu ft/d 0.1×109 m3/a (3.5×109 cu ft/a)
Estimated gas in place 3.5×109 m3
124×109 cu ft

The Plenița gas field is a shale gas field located in Plenița, Dolj County. It was discovered in 2012 and developed by and Sterling Resources. It will begin production in 2015 and will produce shale gas and condensates. The total proven reserves of the Plenița gas field are around 124 billion cubic feet (3.5 km³), and production is slated to be around 11 million cubic feet/day (0.3×105m³) in 2015.[1]


  1. "Global Energy Conference" (PDF). 2012. Retrieved 2013-05-13.