Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of South Korea

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of South Korea or Pledge of Allegiance to the Korean Flag (Korean: 국기에 대한 맹세) is the pledge to the flag of South Korea.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of South Korea is recited at flag ceremonies immediately before the national anthem.

Text of the pledge

Korean language version (Official Version)

나는 자랑스러운 태극기 앞에 자유롭고 정의로운 대한민국의 무궁한 영광을 위하여 충성을 다할 것을 굳게 다짐합니다.

Korean Language Transliteration

Naneun jarangseureoun Taegeukgi ape jayuropgo jeoneuiroun Daehanmingug ae mugunghan yeonggwangeul wihayeo chungseongeul dahal geoseul gutge dajimhamnida.

Official English language translation

I pledge, in front of proud Taegeukgi, allegiance to the Republic of Korea for the eternal glory of the country, liberty and justice.

Alternate English language translation

I, standing before the noble Taegeukgi, solemnly pledge allegiance to the Republic of Korea, to its glory, liberty and justice.

See also
