Play for Tomorrow
Play for Tomorrow is a British television anthology science fiction series, produced by the BBC and transmitted on BBC1 in 1982. It spun off from the anthology drama series Play for Today after the success of The Flipside of Dominick Hide on that strand. Each of the six episodes paints a vision of life in a future year, near the end of the 20th Century or at the beginning of the 21st.
- Crimes (2002) by Caryl Churchill. (13 Apr 1982)
- Bright Eyes (1999) by Peter Prince. (20 Apr 82)
- Cricket (1997) by Michael Wilcox. (27 Apr 82)
- The Nuclear Family (1999) by Tom McGrath. (4 May 82)
- Shades (1999) by Stephen Lowe. (11 May 82)
- Easter 2016 (2016) by Graham Reid. (18 May 82)
External links
- Play for Tomorrow at the Internet Movie Database
- Section on the strand at the TV Cream website, containing good synopses of most episodes