
PlateCulture is a community marketplace that connects people who enjoy cooking & hosting dinners to those who love eating authentic home cooked meal. Each dinner is a unique experience where people share food, learn new things and build friendships all over the world. Guests have an opportunity to try authentic home cooked meal at hostsā€˜s home surrounding and Hosts can showcase their cooking skills and meet interesting people not leaving their kitchen. PlateCulture was founded in April 2013.

Community marketplace

The idea is simple: independent individuals are co-sharing their home cooked meal, cooking skills, and space with other individuals and enjoy it better together. PlateCulture is about community-building and sustainability. Participants agree to uphold the values of community, openness, social reputation and sustainability, well as interact and share with one another. Sharing home cooked food at home and bridging the gap between cultures over the plate is a new way to discover new countries while traveling and support local community.


Current version of PlateCulture has features of:

See also


  1. At PlateCulture, a meal is more than just food Digital News Asia 2013-06-05
  2. Indulge 'Off the eaten track' with Plate Culture 2013-06-10
  3. Fostering intercultural communication through food: Lithuanian entrepreneurs speak Lithuania Tribune 2013-05-01

External links