
Country:  Brazil
State: Rio Grande do Sul
Meso-region: Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul
(Noroeste Rio-Grandense)
Micro-Region: Santo Ângelo
Anniversary: November 30, 1987
Founded: November 30, 1987
Location: 28.0445/28° 2' 42" S lat.
55.299/55° 11' 56" W long.
Postal code: 97885-xxx
Website: www.pirapo.rs.gov.br
Mayor: -->

Pirapó is a municipality of the western part of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The origin of the name comes from the Tupi language. It is located 563 km west of the state capital of Porto Alegre and northeast of Alegrete.

The river is situated by the Uruguay River and is bordered with Argentina to the west.

Like many towns in the state which were first settled by German-speaking Europeans, the German language is still present in daily family and community life, if not as much in the public sphere since World War II; the regional German dialect is called Riograndenser Hunsrückisch, as it is a Brazilian variant of the dialekt spoken in the Hunsrück region of southwest Germany. In 2012 the state chamber of deputies voted unanimously in favor of recognizing this Germanic dialect an official historical culture good to be preserved.

See also

Bounding municipalities

External links