Pierre Lacour

Achilles deposits Hector's corpse at the feet of Patroclus by Pierre Lacour, École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 1769

Pierre Lacour (15 April 1745 - 28 January 1814) was a French painter. He was born and died in Bordeaux

Lacour took second prize of the Prix de Rome in 1769 (the winner was Joseph Barthélémy Le Bouteux). He founded in 1801 the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux where he was the first curator. He was responsible in 1802 for the restoration of Palais Rohan, Strasbourg. The painters Pierre-Nolasque Bergeret and Jean Alaux were his students. Lacour is buried in the cemetery of the Chartreuse.



  1. Oil on panel (French)
  2. Oil on panel (French)
  3. Oil on panel (French)
  4. Oil on panel (French)


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