
Virus classification
Group: Group V ((-)ssRNA)
Order: Unassigned
Family: Bunyaviridae
Genus: Phlebovirus
Type species
Rift Valley fever virus

Adria virus
Alenquer virus
Ambe virus
Arbia virus
Arboledas virus
Armero virus
Arumowot virus
Belterra virus
Bhanja virus
Bujaru virus
Candiru virus
Chagres virus
Changuinola virus
Chilibre virus
Durania virus
Essaouira virus
Forecariah virus
Frijoles virus
Gabek Forest virus
Gordil virus
Granada virus
Heartland virus
Henan Fever virus
Ixcanal virus
Kala Iris virus
Kismayo virus
Joa virus
Karimabad virus
Lone Star virus
Mariquita virus
Massilia virus
Naples virus
Odrenisrou virus
Pacui virus
Palma virus
Punta Toro virus
Rift Valley fever virus
Rio Grande virus
Salehebad virus
Salobo virus
Soldado virus
Saint Floris virus
Sandfly fever Naples virus
Sandfly fever Sicilian virus
SFTS virus
Toscana virus
Tunis virus
Uukuniemi virus

Phlebovirus is one of five genera of the family Bunyaviridae. The Phlebovirus genus currently comprises over 70 antigenically distinct serotypes, only a few of which have been studied. 68 of the known serotypes are divided into two groups: the Phlebotomus fever viruses (the sandfly group, transmitted by Phlebotominae sandflies) comprises 55 members and the Uukuniemi group (transmitted by ticks) comprises the remaining 13 members.


Phleboviruses are class V viruses with a segmented negative-strand RNA genome. The genome comprises 3 segments, one of which uses an ambisense coding strategy. The small segment (S) codes for the viral N protein and a non structural protein, NSs. The medium sized segment (M) codes for a precursor of the viral glycoproteins and non-structural components. The product of the largest segment (L) is the viral RNA polymerase.

They cause symptoms ranging from short self-limiting fevers, such as pappataci fever, to encephalitis and fatal haemorrhagic fever.


According to the ICTV,[1] the genus Phlebovirus consists of nine species: Bujaru virus, Candiru virus, Chilibre virus, Frijoles virus, Punta Toro virus, Rift valley fever virus (the type species), Salehad virus, Sandfly fever Naples virus and Uukuniemi virus.


Eight viruses have been linked to disease in humans. They are: Alenquer virus, Candiru virus, Chagres virus, Naples virus, Punta Toro virus, Rift Valley fever, Sicilian virus and Toscana virus.

Recently identified is another human pathogenic serotype, the SFTS virus.[2]

A still more recent discovery (2009) is a novel phlebovirus (Heartland virus) that has been associated with febrile illness in Missouri, USA. It was identified again in 2012-2013 in Missouri with one case identified in Tennessee. The virus has been found to be transmitted by the Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma americanum) in 2013.[3] This would be the first tick-borne phlebovirus known to cause disease in the Western Hemisphere.


There are ten recognised serocomplexes

Aguacate serocomplex

Bhanja virus serocomplex

Candiru serocomplex

Frijoles serocomplex

Icoaraci serocomplex

Salehabad serocomplex

Sandfly fever serocomplex

The sandfly serocomplex is divided into two groups: Naples and Sicilian

Sandfly fever Naples group
Sandfly fever Sicilian group

Simbu serocomplex

Punta Toro serocomplex

Uukuniemi serocomplex

Unclassified viruses


  1. ICTV. "International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses 2012". Retrieved 7 March 2014.
  2. Yu, X. J.; Liang, M. F.; Zhang, S. Y.; Liu, Y.; Li, J. D.; Sun, Y. L.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, Q. F.; Popov, V. L.; Li, C.; Qu, J.; Li, Q.; Zhang, Y. P.; Hai, R.; Wu, W.; Wang, Q.; Zhan, F. X.; Wang, X. J.; Kan, B.; Wang, S. W.; Wan, K. L.; Jing, H. Q.; Lu, J. X.; Yin, W. W.; Zhou, H.; Guan, X. H.; Liu, J. F.; Bi, Z. Q.; Liu, G. H.; Ren, J. (2011). "Fever with Thrombocytopenia Associated with a Novel Bunyavirus in China". New England Journal of Medicine 364 (16): 1523–1532. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1010095. PMC 3113718. PMID 21410387.
  4. Xu, B.; Liu, L.; Huang, X.; Ma, H.; Zhang, Y.; Du, Y.; Wang, P.; Tang, X.; Wang, H.; Kang, K.; Zhang, S.; Zhao, G.; Wu, W.; Yang, Y.; Chen, H.; Mu, F.; Chen, W. (2011). Palacios, Gustavo, ed. "Metagenomic Analysis of Fever, Thrombocytopenia and Leukopenia Syndrome (FTLS) in Henan Province, China: Discovery of a New Bunyavirus". PLoS Pathogens 7 (11): e1002369. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002369. PMC 3219706. PMID 22114553.

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