Philasmicos Entwickler Studio

Philasmicos Entwickler Studio
Original author(s) Philasmicos
Stable release 7.0.1 / January 1, 2013
Development status Active
Written in C++
Operating system Windows, Linux (cross-platform)
Available in German, English
Type IDE
License Professional Edition: Free [1]
Other Editions: Proprietary software

Philasmicos Entwickler Studio is a commercial cross-platform IDE for C/C++ and wxWidgets development projects.[2] It supports multiple compilers and can be easily extended via plugins. The IDE is being developed for Windows and Linux.


The Philasmicos Entwickler Studio features visual gui designer, project management, simple database management, code completion, syntax highlighting, code folding, bookmarks and breakpoint support.[3]

Available controls

The IDE supports many wxWidgets controls, dialogs and forms:

Common Additional Containers Menu and Toolbar Layout Forms and Dialogs
  • wxBitmapButton
  • wxButton
  • wxCheckBox
  • wxChoice
  • wxComboBox
  • wxGauge
  • wxListBox
  • wxListCtrl
  • wxRadioBox
  • wxRadioButton
  • wxSlider
  • wxStaticBitmap
  • wxStaticLine
  • wxStaticText
  • wxTextCtrl
  • wxAnimationCtrl
  • wxCalendarCtrl
  • wxCheckListBox
  • wxColourPickerCtrl
  • wxDatePickerCtrl
  • wxDirPickerCtrl
  • wxFilePickerCtrl
  • wxFontPickerCtrl
  • wxGenericDirCtrl
  • wxGrid
  • wxHtmlWindow
  • wxHyperlinkCtrl
  • wxImageList
  • wxListView
  • wxMediaCtrl
  • wxRichTextCtrl
  • wxScrollBar
  • wxSearchCtrl
  • wxSimpleHtmlListBox
  • wxSpinButton
  • wxSpinCtrl
  • wxStaticBox
  • wxToggleButton
  • wxTreeCtrl
  • wxAui
  • wxAuiNotebook
  • wxChoicebook
  • wxCollapsiblePane
  • wxListbook
  • wxNotebook
  • wxSashLayoutWindow
  • wxSplitterWindow
  • wxToolbook
  • wxMenu
  • wxMenu (Sub)
  • wxMenuBar
  • wxMenuItem
  • Menu Separators
  • wxStatusBar
  • wxToolBar
  • Tools, Separators
  • wxBoxSizer
  • wxFlexGridSizer
  • wxGridSizer
  • wxStaticBoxSizer
  • Spacer
  • wxAboutBox
  • wxColourDialog
  • wxDialog
  • wxDirDialog
  • wxDirSelector
  • wxFileDialog
  • wxFileSelector
  • wxFrame
  • wxGetColourFromUser
  • wxGetFontFromUser
  • wxGetNumberFromUser
  • wxGetPasswordFromUser
  • wxGetTextFromUser
  • wxMDIChildFrame
  • wxMDIParentFrame
  • wxMessageBox
  • wxMessageDialog
  • wxMiniFrame
  • wxMultiChoiceDialog
  • wxNumberEntryDialog
  • wxPanel
  • wxPasswordEntryDialog
  • wxShowTip
  • wxSingleChoiceDialog
  • wxSplashScreen
  • wxTextEntryDialog


Philasmicos is one of the few German-language websites that deal with the issue of wxWidgets programming. There are many instructions for compiling the wxWidgets libraries and how to use these wxWidgets controls.

Version history

Year Version
2008 0.8
2009 1.x
2010 2.x
2011 3.x
2011 R2 4.x
2012 5.x
2012 R2 6.x
7 7.x
8 8.x

See also


External links