Pfister form

In mathematics, a Pfister form is a particular kind of quadratic form over a field F (whose characteristic is usually assumed to be not 2), introduced by Albrecht Pfister in 1965. A Pfister form is in 2n variables, for some natural number n (also called an n-Pfister form), and may be written as a tensor product of quadratic forms as:

\langle\!\langle a_1, a_2, ... , a_n \rangle\!\rangle \cong \langle 1, a_1 \rangle \otimes \langle 1, a_2 \rangle \otimes ... \otimes \langle 1, a_n \rangle,

for ai elements of the field F. An n-Pfister form may also be constructed inductively from an (n-1)-Pfister form q and an element a of F, as q \oplus (a)q.

So all 1-Pfister forms and 2-Pfister forms look like:

\langle\!\langle a\rangle\!\rangle\cong \langle 1, a \rangle \cong x^2 + ay^2.
\langle\!\langle a,b\rangle\!\rangle\cong \langle 1, a, b, ab \rangle \cong x^2 + ay^2 +bz^2 +abw^2.

For n ≤ 3 the n-Pfister forms are norm forms of composition algebras.[1] In fact, in this case, two n-Pfister forms are isometric if and only if the corresponding composition algebras are isomorphic.

The Pfister forms are generators for the torsion in the Witt group.[2] The n-fold forms additively generate the n-th power In of the fundamental ideal of the Witt ring.[1]


We define a quadratic form q over a field F to be multiplicative if when x and y are vectors of indeterminates, then q(x).q(y) = q(z) where z is a vector of rational functions in the x and y over F. Isotropic quadratic forms are multiplicative.[3] For anisotropic quadratic forms, Pfister forms are multiplicative and conversely.[4][5]

Connection with K-theory

Let kn(F) be the n-th group in Milnor K-theory modulo 2. There are homomorphisms from kn(F) to the Witt ring by taking the symbol

 \{a_1,\ldots,a_n\} \mapsto \langle\!\langle a_1, a_2, ... , a_n \rangle\!\rangle ,

where the image is an n-fold Pfister form.[6] The image can be taken as In/In+1 and the map is surjective since the Pfister forms additively generate In. The Milnor conjecture can be interpreted as stating that these maps are isomorphisms.[6]

Pfister neighbours

A Pfister neighbour is a form (W,σ) such that (W,σ) is similar to a subspace of a space with Pfister form (V,φ) where dim.V < 2 dim.W.[7] The associated Pfister form φ is uniquely determined by σ. Any ternary form is a Pfister neighbour; a quaternary form is a Pfister neighbour if and only if its discriminant is a square.[8] A degree five form is a Pfister neighbour if and only if the underlying field is a linked field.[9]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Lam (2005) p.316
  2. Lam (2005) p.395
  3. Lam (2005) p.324
  4. Lam (2005) p.325
  5. Rajwade (1993) p.164
  6. 6.0 6.1 Lam (2005) p.366
  7. Lam (2005) p.339
  8. Lam (2005) p.341
  9. Lam (2005) p.342


Further reading