Petrus Dathenus

Pieter Datheen

Pieter Datheen, Latin Petrus Dathenus (Cassel, Nord, c.1531 - Elbing, 17 March 1588) was a Dutch Calvinist theologian who translated the Heidelberg Catechism into Dutch. In his theological-political writings Datheen displays the typically optimistic view of early Calvinist writers in the Netherlands regarding the state.[1] He set the psalter to verse in Dutch (1566), though his settings were overshadowed by those of Philips Marnix van St Aldegonde.[2]


  1. Jonathan Neil Gerstner The thousand generation covenant: Dutch Reformed covenant theology 1991 Page 55 "Petrus Datheen who most likely wrote the questions in the form preserved is the logical final court of appeal for ... Datheen is very typical of the early Reformed in the Netherlands in having an extremely optimistic view of the state ..."
  2. Robert Weeda Itinéraires du Psautier huguenot à la Renaissance 2009 "Marnix van St Aldegonde La concurrence dont souffraient les « Psalmen Davids » de Datheen netait pas uniquement le ... La première véritable alternative au recueil de Datheen venait de la part d'un homme politique : Philips Marnix van St Aldegonde"

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