Peter Mayo

Peter Mayo (born 1955) is Professor, Department of Education Studies (was Head 2008-2012), Faculty of Education, University of Malta, Malta. He is also a member of the Collegio Docenti for the doctoral research programme in Educational Sciences and Continuing Education at the Università degli Studi di Verona. He teaches in the areas of sociology of education and adult continuing education, as well as in comparative and international education and sociology in general.

An invited keynote speaker at international conferences, he has held short-term visiting professorial appointments at the University of Alberta, University of Cyprus, Bogazici University (Istanbul), UBC-Vancouver ('Noted Scholar') and University of Gdansk. He was Visiting Professorial Fellow at the Institute of Education, University of London for the period March-15-July 15, 2014. He was previously a member of the Collegio Docenti for the international doctorate in intercultural sociology and education at the University of Messina. He has conducted graduate, public, academic staff or other seminars at several universities including those of Mainz (block seminars), Hamburg, Frankfurt, Toronto (OISE), Rotterdam (International Institute of Social Studies at Den Haag), Glasgow (CRADALL Seminar), London (Institute of Education; Goldsmiths College;), Nottingham (CSSGJ seminar), Southampton, Brunel, Stirling ,Verona (doctoral seminars), Udine, Naples Federico II, the Algarve, Seville, Bogazici, Tampere, and Messina (both teleconferencing), Gdansk, Cracow (Jagiellonian University) and Poznan (Adam Mickiewicz University), as well as the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte), Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro and American University in Cairo. He was the President of the Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education (MESCE) 2008-2010, edits a book series on ‘international issues in adult education’ for Sense Publishers and co-edits another book series (with Anne Hickling Hudson and Antonia Darder), on Postcolonial Studies in Education, for Palgrave-Macmillan.[1]With Anne Hickling Hudon and Milosh Raykov, he edits the refereed journal, Postcolonial Directions in Education.

His internationally acknowledged work includes over 100 papers published in international refereed journals or as chapters in edited books. In 2011 he was given the Comparative International Education Society (CIES) Higher Education SIG award for best published research article on Higher Education from an international and comparative perspective. Two years later, he and Leona English were awarded the prestigious Cyril Houle Award by the American Association for Adult Continuing Education [AAACE] for the book Learning with Adults. A Critical pedagogical Introduction. He sits on the Editorial Advisory Boards of several international journals including International Journal of Lifelong Education (Taylor & Francis), International Review of Education (Springer) Journal of Transformative Education (Sage), Policy Futures in Education (Symposium), Encylopaideia (ClueB, Bologna) and Educational Philosophy and Theory (Wiley-Blackwell). He recently guest edited a special issue of Comparative Education (Routledge, 2008) and was also guest editor of a special issue of Educational Philosophy and Theory (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009).[1]


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