Peter Hintze

Peter Hintze in 2013

Peter Hintze (born 25 April 1950 in Honnef) is a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and since 2013 Vice President of the Bundestag.[1] He had previously been federal chairman of the Evangelical Working Group of the CDU/CSU from 1990 to 1992 and general secretary of the CDU from 1992 to 1998. He has been a member of the Bundestag since 1990. He is also Vice President of the Centrist Democrat International.

During the German national election in 1994 Hintze was the driving force behind the Rote-Socken-Kampagne ("Red Socks Campaign"), a campaign which was directed against the left-wing PDS and the alleged possibility of a coalition between the PDS and the Social Democratic Party. It is believed that the Rote-Socken-Kampagne contributed to the electoral victory of the CDU and Chancellor Helmut Kohl.


  1. Müller, Peter. "Bundestagsvizepräsident: CDU-Politiker Hintze will Sterbehilfe ermöglichen". Der Spiegel (in German). Retrieved 14 September 2014.

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