Peter Hicks

Peter Geoffrey Barry Hicks
Peter Hicks, Paris (France) July 2012
Born 1 February 1964
Wallsend-upon-Tyne, Tyne-and-Wear, England
Occupation Historian at the Fondation Napoleon, Church musician
Language English, French, Italian
Nationality British
Alma mater University College London
St John's College, Cambridge

Peter Geoffrey Barry Hicks (born 1 February 1964) is a British historian and church musician.


Hicks was born in Wallsend-upon-Tyne, Tyne-and-Wear, son of Richard Barry Hicks (1932- ), Anglican priest and Jennifer Margaret Eames (1936-1981), school teacher.

After a degree in Classics at University College London (1982-1985), a year’s study at the Istituto di Paleografia, Università "La Sapienza", Rome, he studied for a PhD at St John’s College, Cambridge. He was lettore at the University of Pavia (1990-1991) and began working as a historian for the Fondation Napoléon in 1997. Simultaneously he was appointed Visiting Research Fellow (1997-2007) and later Visiting Professor (2007- ) at the University of Bath. In March 2006 Peter Hicks was appointed Honorary Fellow of the Institute on Napoleon and the French Revolution, Florida State University. In November 2013, he was invited to become a Director of the Massena Society. In December 2011, he was appointed to the Editorial Board of the series "St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture", University of St Andrews, Scotland. In November 2008, he was appointed by the Provincia di Alessandria to the advisory committee for the creation of the new Marengo Museum, Alessandria, Italy. He is on the editorial board of the international journals Albertiana and Napoleonica La Revue.

He was organist and choirmaster at the Anglican church in Riding Mill, Northumberland (1981-1982), he also directed the choir of the Anglican church in Milan, Italy (1991). He moved to France in 1991, becoming Director of Music at St George’s Anglican church in Paris and pursued a career as a singer and choir director. He is also the musical director of the Paris choral society, Musicanti.


1993 University of Cambridge, St. John’s College PhD on the Manuscript Tradition of Greek Bucolic poems in the Renaissance Supervisor: Prof. M.D. Reeve, Pembroke College

1985-86 University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Istituto di Paleografia Course in Greek Paleography Supervisor: Prof. G. Cavallo

1985 London University, University College B.A. Hons, Classics, First Class


2008 Awarded the prize "Luciano Bonaparte, Principe di Canino, for a book in a language other than Italian", given by the Town of Canino, Italy, for the book "Clisson et Eugénie".

2007 Nominated for the RIBA International Book Award 2007, ‘Architecture’.

1990-91 Research award from Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia, Italy Exchange studentship.

1986-89 Major State Studentship The British Academy.

1985-86 Major award, Italian Institute of Culture.

1984 ‘Long’ Greek Prize, University College London.


Edited Books

Reviewed by Chantal Prévot: "Peter Hicks (dir.), Lieutenant George Woodberry. Journal de guerre 1813-1815, Paris, Mercure de France, Le Temps retrouvé, Collection dirigée par Antoine de Baecque, 2013", Napoleonica. La Revue 2/2013 (N° 17), p. 168-169.
Reviewed by Philip Dwyer, H-France Review Vol. 13 (October 2013), No. 160, pp. 1-6.
A collection of essays on Vitruvius and Renaissance emulators, critics and commentators, edited and contributed by Vaughan Hart with Peter Hicks, Yale University Press, London and New Haven. Joint publication, 45% editorial contribution. Published October 1998.
Reviewed by Keith Miller, Times Literary Supplement, 6 November 1998, p.33; anon., Gazette des Beaux Arts, February 1999, p.25; Yves Pauwels, Revue de l’Art, no.123, 1999, pp.74-75; Geert Bekaert, Archis, vol.3, 1999, pp.81-82; anon., Chronique, 1999, p.569; David Hemsoll, Burlington Magazine, January 2000, p.41; John McKean, ‘Renaissance revivified’, Architects’ Journal, 23 March 2000, p.62; Timothy Anstey, Albertiana, vol.3, 2000, pp.279-80; Charles Burroughs, ‘The View from the Concave Stair’, Renaissance Quarterly, vol.53 no.3, 2000, pp.821-34; Caroline van Eck, Art Bulletin, March 2001, p.145. Branko Mitovic, Journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition, 2003.

Authored books

Winner of the Prize « Luciano Bonaparte, Città di Canino 2008 ».
Reviewed by Chantal Lheureux-Prevot in Napoleonica la Revue N°3 (November – December, 2008) "travail minutieux et savant".(Russian translation) Клиссон и Евгения, Geleos, Moscow, 2008, (ISBN 978-5-8189-1550-0). (English translation) Clisson and Eugenie, Gallic Books, London, 2009, reviewed by Helen Zaltzman The Observer, Sunday 29 November 2009, "provide[s] a glimpse of what lay beneath the bicorn.", Adrian Turpin, Financial Times, 2 November 2009, Jonathan Keates Telegraph, 8 November 2009 "Peter Hicks and Emilie Barthet have cleverly collated the different false starts and reworkings to create a readable version", Flora Fraser, The Times, 24 October 2009 "true to the original and wonderfully well written", Lisa Hilton, TLS, 1 October 2010, "terse, idiomatic translation Bonaparte's most significant venture into fiction renders it a delight for fans of Napoleana", "excellent endnotes".
Nominated for the RIBA International Book Award 2007, ‘Architecture’. Selected as a 2007 AAUP University Press Book for Public and Secondary School Libraries. Issued in paperback in spring 2009. Published in Japanese in November 2011 by Hakusuisha. Reviewed by Richard Woodward, The New York Times, 4 June 2006; Robert Harbison, The Architects' Journal, 20 July 2006, p.46; Jeanette Winterson, The Times, Saturday 5 August 2006; Linda Kaufmann, Library, 15 July 2006; David Watkin, Apollo, February 2007, Marjorie Corner, The Art Book 14 (3) (2007), p.71, Eunice D. Howe, CAA Reviews, 7 June 2007, George L. Gorse, Renaissance Quarterly, 22 December 2006, Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier, Sixteenth Century Journal, XXXVIII/3 (2007), pp. 944-45, Wendy Moonan, The New York Times, 20 June 2008.
Translation, introduction and commentary on Books VI and VII of Serlio’s treatise on architecture, on his ‘extraordinario libro’ and on his so-called ‘Book VIII’ on Polybius’ castrametation, by Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks, Yale University Press, London and New Haven. Joint publication, 50% contribution. Supported by Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. Published May 2001.
Reviewed by Paul Hills, ‘Instruments of Change’, Times Literary Supplement, 2 November 2001, pp.4-6; C.W. Westfall, Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, vol.39 no.5, January 2002; Mario Carpo, Revue de l’Art, no.134, 2001, pp.89-90; Myra Nan Rosenfeld, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, June 2002, pp.225-27; Geert Bekaert, Archis, vol.4, 2002; Alvin Holm, The Philadelphia Architect, September 2002; Mario Carpo, Albertiana, vol.5, 2002.
Translation, introduction and commentary on Books I-V of Serlio’s treatise on architecture, by Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks, Yale University Press, London and New Haven, 484pp. Supported by Getty Grant Program. Joint publication, 50% contribution. Published August 1996.
Reviewed by John Onians, ‘The importance of being upright’, Times Literary Supplement, 8 November 1996, p.10; Garry Wills, ‘Orders from Serlio’, Preservation, January/February 1997, pp.94-95; David Hemsoll, Apollo Magazine, January 1997, p.62; Dan Cruickshank, ‘Influential treatise translated anew’, Architects’ Journal, 9 January 1997, p.45; C.W. Westfall, Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, vol.34 n.6, February 1997; Ronald Stenvert, Archis, April 1997; Andrew Hopkins, Sixteenth Century Journal, vol.28 n.2, 1997; Fédérique Lemerle, Revue de l’Art, no.118, 1997, pp.81-82; Myra Nan Rosenfeld, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol.57 no.1, 1998, pp.98-101; Georgia Clarke, Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain Newsletter, Spring 1998, pp.12-13; Charles Burroughs, ‘The View from the Concave Stair’, Renaissance Quarterly, vol.53 no.3, 2000, pp.821-34. Hans-Christoph Dittscheid, Journal für Kunstgeschichte, vol.5, 2001, pp.112-14.

Translations and transcriptions

Partially reviewed by George L. Gorse, Renaissance Quarterly, 22 December 2006, in review of Palladio’s Rome.

Chapters in Books

Reviewed by Antoine Capet (Université de Rouen), ‘Napoleon Ought Never to Be Confused with Nelson’, H-Albion, H-Net Reviews. January, 2008, "superbly researched chapter".

Articles, conference papers, exhibition catalogue essays

Study Days

Invited papers and talks

"Napoleon, vocal music and the music for his coronation", keynote speech at the "Symposium: Napoleon: Revolution to Empire", National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 2 June 2012.
"Murat e la modernizzazione del regno di Napoli", Forum, Ateleta, Italy, 1–3 July 2011. "Caricature di Napoleone", Conversazione organised by the Provincia di Lucca, August 2011 "Late 18-century and very early 19th-century British writings on Napoleon: myth and history", Southeran’s Bookshop, Piccadilly, 250th anniversary of the opening of the bookshop, 16 March 2011

Newspaper, television and radio

Exhibitions, digital, etc

2011 :Computer model of Napoleon’s coronation used for Canadian Television show, History Television, Museum Secrets, episode 2, The Louvre, ‘Napoleon’s Lies’, aired on Friday 14 January 2011.

2009 :Computer model of Napoleon’s coronation in Notre-Dame, 2 December 1804 put online on

2009  :Computer models of Serlio’s stage scenery, Napoleon’s coronation in Notre-Dame, 2 December 1804, ‘Palladio’s Rome’, all built in collaboration with Vaughan Hart and the Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture (CASA), Bath University, for the exhibition «Le Virtuel, une Réalité» held at the Réfectoire des Cordeliers, Paris, 15 – 23 October 2009.

2008  :‘Palladio’s Rome’, computer model to be displayed at the Homewood Museum/Peabody Library, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, March, as part of the exhibition ‘Harmony to the Eyes’, funded by the Samuel Kress Foundation.

2008  :Palladio’s Rome, at the British School in Rome, February. Funded by the British Academy, Bath University and the British School in Rome.

2005  :Digital model of Napoleon’s coronation in Notre-Dame, 2 December 1804, with Joe Robson and Vaughan Hart (both University of Bath, UK), for the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich (UK), exhibition, ‘Nelson and Napoleon’, 7 Jul 2005 – 13 Nov 2005, 33% participation.

1998  :‘English Architectural Books’ at the exhibition Sebastiano Serlio à Lyon, funded by the French Ministry of Culture (C.N.R.S.) and the Centre Canadien d’Architecture, Montréal

1997 :Consultant to the exhibition Paper Palaces, held at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 22 Jan 1997 – 20 Apr 1997.

Editorial activity

Professional musical activities

Orchestral works conducted: Berlioz (arr.), La Marseillaise, Brahms, Requiem, Britten, Cantata St Nicholas, Charpentier, Te Deum, Nisi Dominus, Cherubini, Coronation Mass for Louis XVIII, Handel, Messaiah, Israel in Egypt, The Ways of Zion do Mourn, Utrecht Te Deum, Utrecht Jubilate, Lesueur, Cantata for the Marriage of Napoleon I and Marie-Louise, Marche du Sacre de Napolon I, Méhul, "Le Chant du depart”, “O doux printemps" and "Comblé de bonheur" (cantatas for the marriage of Napoleon I and Marie Louise), Mozart Credo Mass and Solemn Vespers of a Confessor, Paisiello, Coronation Mass for Napoleon I, Purcell, King Arthur

Forthcoming concerts as conductor: Musique religieuse romantique du 19e siècle, Paris, May 2013

"Soirée Bonapartiste" recently performed in Rome (October 2013), St Petersburg (Russia), November 2012, Châteauroux (France) November 2011, Sarzana (Italy), September 2011, Sarzana (Italy), September 2009, Canino (Italy), September 2008, Lucca (Italy), 25 August 2008,

Mendelssohn: Sonata 3, first movt, opus 65, Wedding March (from incidental music to Midsummer night’s dream) Bach: Prelude in C, BWV 547 (9/8), "St Anne" Prelude and Fugue, BWV 552, Fugue in C minor, BWV, 575, Gigue fugue, BWV 577, Fugue in D, BWV 580, Fantasia in C, BWV 570, Pastorale, BWV 590, Fantasia in C (minor), BWV 562, "God’s good time is best", arrangement from cantata, "Erbarme dich", Choral prelude "Wachet auf" BWV 645, Choral prelude "Kyrie Gott, Vater in Ewigkeit", BWV 669, Choral prelude "Unser Vater", Choral prelude "Liebster Jesu", BWV 706, Choral prelude "In dulci jubilo", BWV 129, Choral prelude "In dulci jubilo", BWV 751, Fantasia in G, ‘Jesu joy of man’s desiring’ (Cantata 147) Orgelbüchlein, "Christ lag in Todesbanden", BWV 625, "Nun komm der Heiden Heiland", BWV 599, Fantasia, "Komm, heilige Geist, Herre Gott" Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, opus HWV 67 Widor: Toccata (from 5th Symphony) op. 42 n° 1 Vaughan-Williams: Rhosymedre Brahms Choral preludes: Herzliebster Jesu (II) Schmücke dich (V) O wie selig (VI) O Gott, du frommer Gott (VIII) Est ist ein Ros’ (VIII) Herzlich (X) Karg-Elert Choral Prelude « Nun danket alle Gott », op. 65 Choral Prelude « Schmücke dich », op. 65


    External links
