Peter Blankenborg Prydz

Peter Blankenborg Prydz (1776 - 1826) was a Norwegian military officer and politician.

He was born in Abelsøe, Aker as the son of Anne Hedevig Brochmann (1752-1834) and Hans Prydz (1751-1781), and had three brothers.[1] He was a great-grandfather of the politician Hans Prydz (1868-1957).[2]

As a politician, Peter Blankenborg Prydz was elected to the Norwegian Constituent Assembly in 1814, representing the army regiment Nordenfjeldske Infanteri-Regiment.[3] As a military officer he rose to the rank of Major in 1825, before dying the next year.[4]


  1. Genealogy
  2. Hans Prydz Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)
  3. Peter Blankenborg Prydz Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)
  4. Peter Blankenborg Prydz at Eidsvoll 1814