
PERMIAS is an organization that unites Indonesian college students in the United States. The organization was founded in 24 December 1961 in Washington, D.C.. PERMIAS is an Indonesian acronym for Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Amerika Serikat. Translated into English, it means "Organization of the Indonesian Students in the United States". The group organizes many annual events and competitions for Indonesian students in the US.

Sometimes Permias is also called ISA, which stands for Indonesian Student Association (equivalent to PPI[1] - Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia - which is the organization that unites Indonesian college students in other countries such as in the United Kingdom). The difference usually is that ISA only accepting members from certain institutes / universities, whereas Permias is more loosely accepting members from schools within the region - and sometimes even non-students like alumni.

Every Permias chapter stands for itself and rarely has any ties with other Permias groups other than for sports events. In some cases, Permias groups from neighboring states in the U.S., such as in the states of Washington and Oregon, do get together to strengthen the ties between two local Permias chapters.

There is no exact data on how many Permias / ISA are in U.S., as there is no annual meeting between local organizations' officers or the like. Some of them have their own student-maintained websites, some used to have one, and some don't have the manpower to create one.

See also


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