
rock daisies
Emory's Rock Daisy, Perityle emoryi
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Subfamily: Asteroideae
Tribe: Perityleae
Genus: Perityle
  • Monothrix Torr.
  • Galinsogeopsis Sch.Bip.
  • Correllia A.M.Powell
  • Pappothrix (A.Gray) Rydb.
  • Laphamia A.Gray
  • Leptopharynx Rydb.
  • Closia J.Rémy
  • Laphamia sect. Pappothrix A.Gray
  • Nesothamnus Rydb.
  • Perityle sect. Pappothrix (A.Gray) A.M.Powell

Perityle is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family.[2][3][4] They are known generally as rock daisies.[5]

Perityle is a variable genus, with its members sharing few characteristics. They include small herbs to spreading shrubs and most bear yellow or white daisylike flower heads. The fruit is generally a flat seed with thickened margins which may or may not have a pappus or scales. Plants of this genus are native to North and South America.[5]

  1. Perityle aglossa A.Gray
  2. Perityle angustifolia (A.Gray) Shinners
  3. Perityle aurea Rose
  4. Perityle bisetosa (Torr. ex A.Gray) Shinners
  5. Perityle californica Benth.
  6. Perityle canescens Everly
  7. Perityle carmenensis A.M.Powell
  8. Perityle castillonii I.M.Johnst.
  9. Perityle cernua (Greene) Shinners
  10. Perityle ciliata (L.H.Dewey) Rydb.
  11. Perityle cinerea (A.Gray) A.M.Powell
  12. Perityle coahuilensis A.M.Powell
  13. Perityle cochisensis A.M.Powell
  14. Perityle congesta (M.E.Jones) Shinners
  15. Perityle cordifolia (Rydb.) S.F.Blake
  16. Perityle coronopifolia A.Gray
  17. Perityle crassifolia Brandegee
  18. Perityle cuneata Brandegee
  19. Perityle discoidea (Phil.) Johnston
  20. Perityle dissecta (Torr.) A.Gray
  21. Perityle emoryi Torr.
  22. Perityle feddemae McVaugh
  23. Perityle gentryi A.M.Powell
  24. Perityle gilensis (M.E.Jones) J.F.Macbr.
  25. Perityle glaucescens B.L.Turner
  26. Perityle gracilis (M.E.Jones) Rydb.
  27. Perityle grandifolia Brandegee
  28. Perityle hofmeisteria Rydb.
  29. Perityle huecoensis A.M.Powell
  30. Perityle incana A.Gray
  31. Perityle intricata (Brandegee) Shinners
  32. Perityle inyoensis (Ferris) A.M.Powell
  33. Perityle jaliscana A.Gray
  34. Perityle lemmonii (A.Gray) J.F.Macbr.
  35. Perityle leptoglossa Harv. & Gray ex Harv. & A.Gray
  36. Perityle lindheimeri (A.Gray) Shinners
  37. Perityle lineariloba Rydb.
  38. Perityle lloydii B.L.Rob. & Fernald
  39. Perityle lobata (Rydb.) I.M.Johnst.
  40. Perityle megalocephala (S.Watson) J.F.Macbr.
  41. Perityle microcephala A.Gray
  42. Perityle microglossa Benth.
  43. Perityle montana (A.M.Powell) B.G.Baldwin
  44. Perityle palmeri S.Watson
  45. Perityle parryi A.Gray
  46. Perityle pennellii B.L.Turner
  47. Perityle quinqueflora (Steyerm.) Shinners
  48. Perityle rosei Greenm.
  49. Perityle rupestris (A.Gray) Shinners
  50. Perityle saxicola (Eastw.) Shinners
  51. Perityle scopulorum (M.E.Jones) A.M.Powell & B.L.Turner
  52. Perityle socorrosensis Rose
  53. Perityle stansburyi (A.Gray) J.F.Macbr.
  54. Perityle staurophylla (Barneby) Shinners
  55. Perityle stevensii B.L.Turner
  56. Perityle tenella (M.E.Jones) J.F.Macbr.
  57. Perityle trichodonta S.F.Blake
  58. Perityle turneri A.M.Powell
  59. Perityle vandevenderi B.L.Turner
  60. Perityle vaseyi J.M.Coult.
  61. Perityle vigilans Spellenb. & A.M.Powell
  62. Perityle villosa (S.F.Blake) Shinners


External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Perityle.