
Example of a periglacial landscape with both pingos and polygon wedge ice near Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories

Periglaciation (adjective: "periglacial," also referring to places at the edges of glacial areas) describes geomorphic processes that result from seasonal thawing of snow in areas of permafrost, the runoff from which refreezes in ice wedges and other structures. [1][2] Tundra is a common ecological community in periglacial areas.

Extent of periglaciation

Some earth scientists have likened the extent of periglaciation to that of permafrost. Under this definition large areas in Siberia, Canada and Alaska and smaller areas in Fennoscandia, Tibet, Iceland, Greenland, Antarctica and the Andes are periglaciated. Not all scientists agree with this definition as many areas without permafrost show significant action of processes related to the freezing of water.

Periglaciation occurs principally in areas of permafrost. These areas experience intense freezing with an active layer of freeze/thaw near the surface which thaws briefly in summer. Periglaciation occurs near mountain glaciers. At lower levels it forms a zone of cold around continental glaciers in areas of high latitudes, covering perhaps 20% of the earth’s land surface.

Periglacial conditions in the Pleistocene created landscapes and geological conditions moulded by frost action; the repeated freezing and thawing of material over many years. Around a third of the Earth's land surface can be considered as having been subject to periglacial conditions at some time.

Factors affecting location

Landforms of periglaciation

Not to be confused with paraglacial.
A blockfield around 4000m on Mount Kenya
A boulder field in Pennsylvania

Periglaciation results in a variety of ground conditions but especially those involving irregular, mixed deposits created by ice wedges, solifluction, gelifluction, frost creep and rockfalls. Periglacial environments trend towards stable geomorphologies.[3]

Other landforms include:

River activity

Most areas under periglaciation have relatively low precipitation (if not the areas would likely be glaciated) and low evapotranspiration. which makes average river discharge rates low. Many rivers flowing into the Arctic sea of northern Canada and Siberia have despite this a very strong erosive capacity due to the fact that thaw occurs first in the upper part of the drainage basin leading to large areas being flooded further down (north) because of obstructing river ice. When these dams melt or break large amounts of water are released with destructive and erosive power.

Chemical and physical weathering

Despite ordinary beliefs there is no predominance of physical weathering over chemical weathering in periglacial areas, however the action of physical weathering is relatively more important if compared to weathering activity in warmer areas.


  1. Murck, Barbara (2001). Geology; A Self-teaching Guide. New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-38590-5.
  2. Slaymaker O., 2011. Criteria to distinguish between periglacial, proglacial and paraglacial environments. Quaestiones Geographicae 30(1): 85–94. DOI 10.2478/v10117-011-0008-y.
  3. Brundsen, D. A critical assessment of the sensitivity concept in geomorphology. 2001. Catena vol. 42.
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