Perfect Match (1994 game show)
Perfect Match is the title of an ESPN game show which ran October 3 to December 30, 1994; The series was hosted by Ken Ober (Remote Control) and co-hosted by Challen Cates. Lou DiMaggio was the announcer.
Main Game
In each half, two men and two women competed in a Concentration-style game by making six matches on a board that had sports figures on them, past and present. Each right answer scored one point in round one and two points in round two. Any time they didn't match, they lost control. The contestant who collected the highest score went on to a bonus round.
Bonus Round
The man and woman who won their half of the game would pair up to match 12 sports figures on a board within 45 seconds. Matching them all won a bonus prize.
Home Viewers
Home viewers could participate in special phone games, and the winner each month got $2,500 from Ken.
External links
- - First, click "The Original Game Show Page!", then click "The Sports Game Show Page", then click "The Bench", and scroll down a bit. That's where you'll find info.