
Yellow perch (Perca flavescens)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Percidae
Rafinesque, 1815

The Percidae are a family of perciform fish found in fresh and brackish waters of the Northern Hemisphere. The majority are Nearctic, but there are also Palearctic species. The family contains about 200 species in 10 genera. The darters, perches, and their relatives are in this family; well-known species include the walleye, sauger, ruffe, and three species of perch. However, small fishes known as darters are also a part of this family.

This family is characterized by a greater or lesser degree of armour about the head, caused by the presence of teeth or spines on the cheeks and opercles (gill covers) or their edges, and by two narrow bands of numerous close-set teeth on the sides (palatines). Also, many percid fishes have a heart-shaped plate of teeth on the roof of the mouth (vomer). The shape of these fishes is usually somewhat oblong and laterally compressed. Their scales are generally harsh and rough to the feel, or ciliate. Percid fishes are among the most beautiful of the freshwater fishes due to their brilliant colors (red, brown, orange, and yellow are the most predominant tints).


FishBase lists 204 species in 10 genera:

  • Genus Etheostoma (cont.)
    • Orangebelly darter, E. radiosum Hubbs & Black, 1941
    • Kentucky darter, E. rafinesquei Burr & Page, 1982
    • Alabama darter, E. ramseyi Suttkus & Bailey, 1994
    • Yazoo darter, E. raneyi Suttkus & Bart, 1994
    • Bayou darter, E. rubrum Raney & Suttkus, 1966
    • Rock darter, E. rupestre Gilbert & Swain, 1887
    • Arrow darter, E. sagitta Jordan & Swain, 1883
    • Saluda darter, E. saludae Hubbs & Cannon, 1935
    • Bloodfin darter, 'E. sanguifluum Cope, 1870
    • Cherokee darter, E. scotti Bauer, Etnier & Burkhead, 1995
    • Río Salado darter, E. segrex Norris & Minckley, 1997
    • Maryland darter, E. sellare (Radcliffe & Welsh, 1913)
    • Etheostoma sequatchiense Burr, 1979
    • Sawcheek darter, E. serrifer Hubbs & Cannon, 1935
    • Snubnose darter, E. simoterum Cope, 1868
    • Slabrock darter, E. smithi Page & Braasch, 1976
    • Orangethroat darter, E. spectabile Agassiz, 1854
    • Spottail darter, E. squamiceps Jordan, 1877
    • Speckled darter, E. stigmaeum Jordan, 1877
    • Striated darter, E. striatulum Page & Braasch, 1977
    • Cumberland darter, E. susanae Jordan & Swain, 1883
    • Gulf darter, E. swaini Jordan, 1884
    • Swannanoa darter, E. swannanoa Jordan & Evermann, 1889
    • Tallapoosa darter, E. tallapoosae Suttkus & Etnier, 1991
    • Shawnee darter, E. tecumsehi Ceas & Page, 1997
    • Missouri saddled darter, E. tetrazonum Hubbs & Black, 1940
    • Seagreen darter, E. thalassinum Jordan & Brayton, 1878
    • Tippecanoe darter, E. tippecanoe Jordan & Evermann, 1890
    • Trispot darter, E. trisella Bailey & Richards, 1963
    • Tuscumbia darter, E. tuscumbia Gilbert & Swain, 1887
    • Current darter, ''E. uniporum Distler, 1968
    • Variegate darter, E. variatum Kirtland, 1838
    • Striped darter, E. virgatum Jordan, 1880
    • Glassy darter, E. vitreum Cope, 1870
    • Wounded darter, E. vulneratum Cope, 1870
    • Boulder darter, E. wapiti Etnier & Williams, 1989
    • Redfin darter, E. whipplei Girard, 1859
    • Banded darter, E. zonale Cope, 1868
    • Backwater darter, E. zonifer Hubbs & Cannon, 1935
    • Bandfin darter, E. zonistium Bailey & Etnier, 1988
  • Genus Gymnocephalus (Eurasian ruffes)
  • Genus Perca (European perches)
  • Genus Percarina
    • Common percarina, P. demidoffi Nordmann, 1840
  • Genus Percina (roughbelly darters and logperches, about 45 species)
  • Genus Romanichthys
    • Asprete, R. valsanicola Dumitrescu, Banarescu & Stoica, 1957
  • Genus Sander (pike-perches)
    • Sauger, S. canadensis Griffith & Smith, 1834
    • Zander, S. lucioperca Linnaeus, 1758
    • Estuarine perch, S. marinus Cuvier, 1828
    • Walleye, S. vitreus Mitchill, 1818
    • Volga pikeperch, S. volgensis (Gmelin, 1789)
  • Genus Zingel
    • Rhone streber, Z. asper Linnaeus, 1758
    • Zingel balcanicus Karaman, 1937
    • Danube streber, Z. streber (Siebold, 1863)
    • Zingel, Z. zingel Linnaeus, 1766


  1. Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2014). "Percidae" in FishBase. February 2014 version.
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