Penn View Bible Institute

Penn View Bible Institute is a Christian training center for missionaries, ministers, educators and laymen in the holiness world since its beginning 40 years ago. It is located in Penns Creek in the central part of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. It is part of the conservative holiness movement, and is Wesleyan-Arminian in belief.


During the God's Missionary Church conference of 1965, after nearly fifteen years of praying and planning, the possibility of beginning a bible school was brought to the conference floor. The ministers and delegates were told that an adjoining 16-acre (65,000 m2) plot of ground, owned by Clair Knapp, was available. They went to the hill that day, August 5, 1965, and joined together in a season of prayer. By faith, they claimed the ground for God's work and a school. The General Board was authorized to buy the land.

The Penn View ground-breaking was held on July 31, 1966. General Superintendent George I. Straub presided over the ceremony. Rev. Aurthur Thomas, a minister attending the groundbreaking took a Polaroid picture of Rev. Truman Wise reading the scriptures. When the photo was developed, a flame-like image appeared to be hovering over the Bible Rev. Wise was reading. This was taken as a symbol of God's approbation of the founding of Penn View Bible Institute.[1] Rev. S.D. Herron, founder of Hobe Sound Bible College,[2] and evangelist at Penns Creek Camp that year raised the initial $25,000 that afternoon. The first day of classes was September 6, 1966. The academy was the first to open with 52 students enrolled. Rev. Edwin Mayes served as principal.

1967 brought several changes in both the organization and its supporting infrastructure. The school expanded beyond a Christian academy, with the Institute being opened. Rev. George W. Stepp was elected as the first President of the school. Rev. & Mrs. David Fuller joined the faculty, with Rev. Fuller becoming the second Principal. Enrollment more than doubled to 132 in the Academy, and the Institute enrollment totaled 15 students. The class of 1968 was the first to graduate from Penn View Christian Academy with a total of 6 students graduating.

Rev. Howard Frey followed Rev. Stepp as the second President of Penn View. He passionately pursued the development of a library. Rev. Frey served as President from 1969-1672.

Rev. Arthur Thomas served as the third President of Penn View. He held the position of President from 1972-1979. During his presidency, Rev. Earl Deetz, Jr., was appointed Executive Vice President. Under his administrative leadership, Penn View saw greater gains in infrastructure and financial stability.

From 1979-1984, Rev. Kenneth Walter served as the fourth president of Penn View. During this term, the Hallam Building and the Miller Dining Center were built. After Five years of service, Rev. Walter believed he had completed his task at Penn View and resigned.

Rev. Gary Spriggs served as the fifth President of Penn View Bible Institute and Christian Academy. He oversaw the renovation of the Tabernacle prayer room annex into the Cooley Memorial Prayer and Music Studio. Rev. Spriggs also revitalized the debt-reduction program, enabling the school to significantly decrease its overall indebtedness.

The sixth President of Penn View was Rev. Paul Martin. Rev. Martin was zealous to clear the school's debts, and was instrumental in completely paying off the mortgage on the Administration building. In 1990, Rev. Martin moved to York, PA to pastor.

Rev. John W. Zechman serves as the current President of Penn View, having been elected in 1991. He is the first alumnus to serve as president. During his tenure, many significant changes have been made. Both the Institute and Academy have grown in enrollment. Also, Zechman Hall (a residence hall) and the Mason/McIntire Student Life Center were constructed under his administration.

Also, under President Zechman's leadership, Penn View Bible Institute began the process of accreditation. Approval for Candidate Status with the Association of Biblical Higher Education was achieved in 2014.[3]


Penn View Bible Institute's Mission is

   “To prepare Christ-like Servant Leaders
         through higher education that engages 
              spiritual transformation,
              academic excellence,
              social integrity,
              and practical experience
         in the conservative Wesleyan-Arminian tradition
    to fulfill our Lord’s Great Commission.”[4]

Doctrinal Statement

"Penn View Bible Institute adheres to the historic Christian faith as expressed in the Wesleyan-Arminian position.

"The Bible, consisting of the sixty-six canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, is the plenarily inspired Word of God and is inerrant and infallible in the autographs.

"There is one God, eternally coexistent in three Persons: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

"Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of Virgin Mary, died on the cross for the sins of mankind, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day following. He ascended to heaven where He is presently seated at the right hand of God to make intercession for the believer. At a time known only to the Father, He will return in power and glory to receive His disciples and to judge the world.

"The Holy Spirit, third Person of the Trinity, is the operative Agent in the redemption of mankind. Likewise, He enables men to understand truth, imparts life to those who repent and believe, and abides as the Comforter of the children of God.

"Man was created by God in His own image. Through willful disobedience the first man fell from his original righteousness, incurring both physical and spiritual death. Thus sin came upon the whole human race.

"Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, whose death alone was meritorious in securing salvation for men. Full salvation is received in two crisis experiences. Initially the one who truly repents of his sins and exercises faith in Christ is justified, thus being restored to a right relationship with God through Christ; regenerated, thus receiving new life and the ability to live above willful sin; and adopted, thus becoming a true child of God. Subsequently, the believer may by faith receive the fullness of the Spirit through which the heart is cleansed from all sin and the believer is empowered for effective service. This is sometimes termed entire sanctification. These relationships with God can only be maintained by a consistent walk of obedience and faith.

"At the second coming of Christ to earth, there will be a resurrection of all men; of the saved to everlasting bliss in the presence of God, and of the unsaved to everlasting punishment." [5]


Penn View Bible Institute specializes in ministry training and offers one one-year Certificate and ten four-year Advanced Diplomas. General areas of study include Biblical Studies, Missions, Ministerial Studies, Hispanic Studies, Music, Education, and Child Evangelism.[6]


  1. "Penn View Bible Institute History". Retrieved March 3, 2014.
  2. "Our History". Retrieved March 3, 2014.
  3. "ABHE Membership Directory". Retrieved March 12, 2014.
  4. "Mission Statement". Retrieved March 3, 2014.
  5. Penn View Bible Institute Catalog 2010-2012. March 3, 2014. p. 9.
  6. Penn View Bible Institute Course Catalog 2012-2014. pp. 26–37.

External links

Coordinates: 40°51′50″N 77°03′40″W / 40.864°N 77.061°W