Peace and Sport

Peace and Sport logo

Peace and Sport, "L’Organisation pour la Paix par le Sport” is a neutral and apolitical international initiative based in the Principality of Monaco and under the patronage of Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Peace and Sport puts sport and its values at the heart of local development projects conducted within communities in crisis around the world. Exercising its missions in post-conflict zones, areas of extreme poverty or lacking social cohesion, Peace and Sport makes sport a vehicle for tolerance, respect, sharing and citizenship.

Supported by governments, world sport governing bodies, international organizations, major international private companies and international sports champions, Peace and Sport carries out the following actions:

In 2011, Peace and Sport had operations in Ivory Coast, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Israel-Palestine, Timor Leste, Colombia and in Haiti.

Peace and Sport was founded by Joel Bouzou, President of the organisation, an Olympic medallist, world champion of Modern Pentathlon and as of 2013 Secretary General for the International Union of Modern Pentathlon (UIPM), an advisor to Prince Albert II of Monaco, and the President of the World Olympians Association.

Peace and Sport Ambassadors are: Hicham El Guerrouj, Prince Nawaf Faisal Fahd Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia, Mario Pescante, Wilfried Lemke, Sir Philip Craven, Mikhail Prokhorov, Adolf Ogi, Adnane Houdrouge, Major General Gianni Gola, Dr. Yang Ho Cho, Amir Dossal, Alain Leroy, Pál Schmitt, Snežana Samardžić-Marković and AS Monaco football club.

Alexandra Kosteniuk is a member of the ‘Champions for Peace’ club, a group of 54 famous elite athletes committed to serving peace in the world through sport, created by Peace and Sport.

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