Paul Morantz

Paul Morantz

Paul Morantz, Esq.
Born August 16, 1945
Los Angeles, California
Occupation Attorney
Nationality United States
Alma mater USC School of Journalism
USC School of Law
Genre non-fiction, sports journalism
Subject cults, behavior modification, psychotherapy, college football

Paul Morantz is an American attorney at law and investigative journalist specializing in the prosecution of individuals and groups which abuse others. His first case was against abusive nursing homes.[1][2] Other cases were against therapists, religious organizations, and corporations. His successful prosecution of Synanon led to an attempt against his life, by means of a rattlesnake.[3][4][5] He is also a freelance writer, who wrote the story for the 1978 television movie Deadman's Curve, based on the lives of surf singers Jan and Dean.[6]

Early life and career

Morantz was born and raised in Southern California. After high school he served in the United States Army in 1963 for six months as a reservist. He then attended Santa Monica City College and the University of Southern California (USC) as a journalism major.[7] Morantz became a sportswriter for the USC school newspaper the Daily Trojan. In 1967 he interviewed O. J. Simpson. Later that year he became co-sports editor of the Daily Trojan along with Lance Spiegel.[8]

In 1968, the Los Angeles Times offered Morantz a job as a sportswriter but he decided to go to law school instead. While in law school, Morantz took a position writing for the Pigskin Review. He played for USC Law School in the basketball intramural league, his team "The Bailors" winning the USC championship. He also won several trophies in beach volleyball.[8][9]

After graduation, Morantz became a Los Angeles public defender. He left the public defender's office in 1973, then worked part-time as both a lawyer and writer. During which time he developed his feature-length article on surf singers Jan and Dean that was later published in Rolling Stone magazine, and wrote the story for the made-for-television movie.[8][9]

Litigation history

Nursing home kidnappings

In 1974 Morantz uncovered a criminal conspiracy to kidnap homeless alcoholics and place them to nursing homes where they were kept sedated with Thorazine while the state was billed through Medical/Medicare and their social security checks taken. Los Angeles County supervisors called for a four point probe on January 23, 1975 after hearing testimony that patients were often sedated, their ability to communicate with anyone outside the institution restricted, and detained in facilities behind locked gates and barbed wire if they tried to leave.[1][2] Morantz filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of the former patients, testified on nursing home abuses during the public hearings and aided in the creation of a district attorney task force on nursing home crimes.[10][11]


When Morantz took on the drug rehabilitation institution Synanon in 1977, it had the reputation as a seemingly successful program for rehabilitating drug addicts where existing traditional hospitals had failed. Its founder, Charles Dederich, an ex-alcoholic, established it in 1958 as a non-medical self-help program that included the "Game," a session in which participants acted out hostilities and sought the truth about themselves while not being bound by the truth in making critical attacks on each other. Synanon claimed it had cured thousands but by 1967 Dederich turned the organization into a "lifestyle" by recruiting non-addicts ("Squares") and building cities in Marin County, then Tulare County and eventually Lake Havasu.[12][13][14]

In 1974 Synanon declared itself a religion and centered on middle-class searching for utopia rather than addict curing. By then Synanon's assets, including real estate, ten aircraft, 400 cars, trucks and motorcycles, totaled around $33 million. Its advertising and specialty-gifts business netted $2.4 million in 1976 while donations and other income added another $5.5 million.[12] Rules were passed mandating non-smoking, dieting, exercise programs, group marriages, shaved heads, vasectomies, abortions and exchanging mates. Approximately 200 couples “changed partners.” Members were trained in "Syndo" (Martial arts) with the elite placed in the Imperial Marines who were trained to and did commit violence against their enemies.[12][13][14]

By 1977 Morantz was warning government authorities Dederich was mandating violence against its enemies ("a reign of terror") and filing lawsuits on behalf of ex-members and victims.[14][15][16] Morantz would later state in 1985, that he was among 50 victims of a Synanon "reign of terror" from 1975 to 1978.[10]

Rattlesnake attack

Synanon members began to exhibit violent behavior, which culminated in 1978 when Dederich inspired followers to try to kill Morantz.[17] Three weeks earlier Morantz had won a $300,000 judgment against Synanon on behalf of a married couple who claimed the wife had been held captive by Synanon and brainwashing was attempted by the organization.[10][17]

On October 10, 1978, Morantz was bitten by a rattlesnake which had been placed in his Pacific Palisades home mailbox by two members of the Synanon Imperial Marines, Lance Kenton and Joe Musico. A neighbor applied a tourniquet that saved Morantz’s life. Arriving fire department paramedics chopped off the snake's head with a shovel, and discovered that the rattles had been removed so that the snake could attack without warning.[12]

Neighbors had reported seeing a suspicious vehicle making rounds near Morantz's home and reported the license number to the police. The police found that the license plate had been registered to an address at Synanon in Visalia, California and an officer checked the grounds at Morantz's house, but found nothing out of the ordinary and no one informed Morantz of the activity. Upon returning home, Morantz was bitten on the wrist as he grabbed for the mail. Morantz stumbled outside and yelled for help from neighbors who quickly came to his assistance and called for an ambulance. Morantz was rushed to the Santa Monica Emergency Room where anti-venom could be administered and then subsequently transferred to the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center where he made a recovery over the next several days.[3][4][5]

Werner Erhard and est

Morantz in 1978 went to Parlier, at the Northern California town’s request, to provide information concerning Werner Erhard goals and what he considered dangers of participation in est training, asserting it was similar to Chinese Brainwashing. Afterwards he went to the Los Angeles Police Department and the LAPD police union in effort to stop est from providing free est trainings for LAPD officers for the same reasons. Both Parlier and LAPD, after Morantz contact and warnings ended associations and training with est. [18]

The Center for Feeling Therapy

Morantz represented approximately forty ex-members of the Center for Feeling Therapy whom after nine years rebelled against the Center, leading to its closure in 1980.[19] Many of its former members later sued the founding therapists in what was then the largest psychology malpractice lawsuit in California history.[20][21] The Center, a product of the Human Potential Movement, splintered from Primal Therapy, and was led by Richard "Riggs" Corriere and Joseph Hart who referred to themselves as the "Butch Cassidy and Sundance kid of Psychotherapy" and as the "New Freuds." It also resulted in the removal of many of their therapists licenses.[22][23][24]

During the course of litigation, the California court of appeals in Rains v. Superior Court (Center for Feeling Therapy Psychological Corp.) ruled in Morantz’s favor that the Center’s use of physical punching ("Sluggo therapy") could be the basis for a battery claim despite patient consent to being hit, because of allegations the therapists made that patients being struck was good therapy while concealing the therapists’ true intent to use slugging as a method of control over the patients.[25]

Seven years after the therapeutic community ended, Corriere and Hart’s licenses were removed, ending the longest, costliest and most complex psychotherapy malpractice license revocation in California history. Four psychologists were found guilty of acts of gross negligence, incompetence, patient abuse, aiding and abetting the unlicensed practice of psychology and false advertising after a 94-day hearing before Administrative Law Judge Robert A. Neher.[22][23][26]

Molko v. Unification Church

An amicus curiae brief was filed in favor of the plaintiffs in Molko vs. Unification Church by Morantz who also participated pro bono in oral arguments.[27] The suit was by filed by attorney Ford Greene. In 1988, the state high court held that religious organizations may be sued for fraud and intentional infliction of emotional distress when they use brainwashing techniques. In a legal opinion written by Justice Stanley Mosk, the court held against luring non-consenting individuals into an atmosphere of “coercive persuasion" as brainwashing techniques can develop serious and sometimes irreversible physical and psychiatric disorders up to and including schizophrenia, self-mutilation, and suicide as well as tying up one’s life and interfering with family.[28]

John Gottuso

In 1988 Morantz successfully took on representation of former female patients of preacher-psychotherapist John Gottuso for sexual misconduct with his patients as an aid to their psychological and spiritual life.[29][30] As a result, the pastor/therapist of Park View Christian Fellowship in California lost his license to practice psychotherapy as well as the right to be involved in his church’s pre-school.[29][31]

A decade later Morantz again represented another six adults and five former students in a 1996 civil lawsuit against Gottuso, his church and its private school.[32][33] The suit for sexual abuse and psychological abuse was settled in March 1998 for $3,200,000.[32][34] In response to this case, California passed related legislation prohibiting private school teachers who by their past actions could not teach in public schools.[35][36][37][38]

Other cases, legislation and law enforcement

Morantz has been called a "Knight in the fight against "destructive high control groups" by FACTnet.[39] He has litigated against the Church of Scientology, Peoples Temple, Hare Krishnas, Rajneesh movement and other religious groups.[40][41][42] Morantz has also worked alongside of anti-cult attorney at law Ford Greene and Los Angeles County class action lawsuit king Thomas Girardi.[19][22][36][42]

Many of his cases included collaborating with thought reform theorists and anti-cultists Margaret Singer, Louis Jolyon West and others with notable mentions of his work published in Singer's Cults in Our Midst and Recovery from Cults by Michael Langone.[29][42][43] He helped write the California law setting forth requirements under which a religious organization could be sued for punitive damages.[36][44]

In Hall v. Great Western Bank (1991) 231 Cal. App. 3d 713 [282 Cal.Rptr. 640] Morantz argued successfully banks could not fire employees for reasons that would violate public policy.[45] His address to the court stated "We believe this rationale applies with even greater strength where, as in this case, a termination of employment in violation of public policy has been alleged. Appellant's complaint alleges, in essence, a retaliatory firing resulting from her refusal to withdraw her valid claim for partial unemployment benefits"[46]

Additionally, Morantz has lectured publicly and counseled law enforcement agencies on the mindset of terrorists. Morantz also taught a class at the University of Southern California on the subject of various types of undue influence,[47] where his legal files are being archived.[48]

Publications and other works





See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Peterson, Joyce (24 Jan 1975). "Probe into Alleged Detention of Alcoholics Ordered". The Van Nuys News. Retrieved 10 August 2011.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Swann, Noel (24 Jan 1975). "Alcoholic detention being probed". Long Beach Independent. p. B-1. Retrieved 10 August 2011.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Morrantz, Paul (2009). "The True Story of the Rattlesnake in the Mailbox". Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Nation: The Snake in the Mailbox". TIME Magazine. Oct 23, 1978. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Associated Press (Oct 13, 1978). "Two Arrests in Rattlesnake Plot". Ocala Star-Banner. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  6. "Deadman's Curve". IMDb. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
  7. Morrantz, Paul (11 Jan 2010). "The Agony and the Ecstasy: Autobiography Part 1 of 4.". Retrieved 3 August 2011.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 "About this issue". West Magazine supplement of The Los Angeles Times. 9 Jul 1972. Retrieved 3 August 2011.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Morrantz, Paul (11 Jan 2010). "The Agony and the Ecstasy: Autobiography Part 2 of 4.". Retrieved 3 August 2011.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 "T.B. Renfroe dies". Los Angeles Times. 1976.
  11. Trout, Narda Z. (Jan 24, 1975). "Supervisors Told of Alleged Scheme to Hold Alcoholics". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 "Nation: Life at Synanon Is Swinging". TIME Magazine. Dec 26, 1977. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Jackovich, Karen G. (December 18, 1978). "Synanon Leader Chuck Dederich Finds Himself Charged in the Notorious Snakebite Case". People Magazine. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Van Gelder, Lawrence (March 4, 1997). "Charles Dederich, founder of cult-like religious group Synanon, dies at 83". The New York Times. Retrieved 28 July 2011.
  15. District of Columbia Circuit Court, Case No. 754 F.2d 395, District of Columbia Circuit Court
  16. Rubenstein, Steve (November 25, 2003). "Margaret Singer -- expert on brainwashing". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Dougherty, John (Oct 10, 1996). "Children of Synanon". Phoenix New Times. Retrieved 29 July 2011.
  18. Pristin, Terry. "Getting the Most-est out of a Police Force". Cult Education Institute.
  19. 19.0 19.1 Morantz, Paul (October 24, 2010). "Escape From The Center For Feeling Therapy: The Cult of Cruelty". Retrieved 27 July 2011.
  20. Morantz, Paul. "Escape From The Center For Feeling Therapy (The Cult Of Cruelty)". Retrieved 23 July 2011.
  21. Mithers, Carol Lynn (1994). Therapy Gone Mad: The True Story of Hundreds of Patients and a Generation Betrayed. Perseus Books. ISBN 0-201-57071-8.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Timnick, Lois (April 21, 1986). "Licenses of Mental Health Therapists Targeted in Major California Malpractice Case". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
  23. 23.0 23.1 Timnick, Lois (September 30, 1987). "Psychologists in 'Feeling Therapy' Lose Licenses". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
  24. Singer, Margaret T.; Harold Goldstein; Michael D. Langone; Jesse S. Miller; Maurice K. Temerlin; Louis J. West (November 1986). "Report of the APA Task Force on Deceptive and Indirect Techniques of Persuasion and Control". The Rick Ross Institute Internet Archives. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  25. Rains v. Superior Court, 150 Cal. App. 3d 933, Court of Appeals California, 2nd Appellate Dist., 4th Div. 1984
  26. Ayella, Marybeth F. (1998). Insane therapy: portrait of a psychotherapy cult. Temple University Press. ISBN 1-56639-601-8.
  27. Pike, David. "Not all lawyers should be at the bottom of the sea... Paul Morantz, anti-cult litigator, is one of them...". FACTNet.
  28. "Molko v. Holy Spirit Assn". Molko v. Holy Spirit Assn. (1988) 46 Cal.3d 1092 , 762 P.2d 46; 252 Cal.Rptr. 122. Retrieved 28 April 2015.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Langone, Michael D. (1995). Recovery from Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0-393-31321-2.
  30. Nelson, L. (August 3, 1988). "Church practices revealed, counseling said to include sexual contact". Arcadia Highlander. p. g.
  31. Milligan, M. (April 30, 1989). "Arcadia counselor stripped of licenses". Pasadena Star-News. p. A-8.
  32. 32.0 32.1 Berry, Steve (April 28, 1998). "Man With Sex-Abuse History Runs School". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  33. Williams, Janette; Burry, Jennifer (October 17, 1996). "Minister to face three charges of molestation". Pasadena Star News. p. A-1.
  34. "Verdict: Use Simple Good Sense". Los Angeles Times. May 5, 1998.
  35. "California Education Code, Section 33190-33191". Retrieved 26 July 2011.
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 Morrantz, Paul (Oct 2010). "Legislation and law". Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  37. Girardot, Frank C. (May 21, 1998). "Bill aims to close sex case loophole". Pasadena Star News. p. A-1.
  38. Williams, Janette (August 27, 1998). "Gottuso case spurs proposed change". Pasadena Star News. p. A-3.
  39. Pike, David (March 21, 2011). "Not all lawyers should be at the bottom of the sea… Paul Morantz, anti-cult litigator, is one of them…". FACTnet. Retrieved 26 July 2011.
  40. Church of Scientology v. Armstrong (1991) 232 Cal. App. 3d 1060 [283 Cal.Rptr. 917, Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  41. Associated Press (14 July 1983). "$42 Million suit filed against Scientologists". Retrieved 28 July 2011.
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 "Paul Morrantz The Cult Expert Internet Archives". Retrieved 26 July 2011.
  43. West, Louis J. "Cult Phenomenon - Mental Health, Legal and Religious Implications Lecture". Los Angeles, California: Department of Continuing Education and Health Sciences of the UCLA extension; The NeuroPsychiatric Institute; Southern California Psychiatric Society. Retrieved 27 July 2011.
  44. "Restrictions on Claims for Punitive Damages Against Religious Corporations". California Code Civil Procedure § 425.14. Retrieved 26 July 2011.
  45. "Hall v. Great Western Bank, 231 Cal. App. 3d 713". California Court of Appeals, 2nd Appellate Dist., 4th Div. 1991. Retrieved 26 July 2011.
  46. "Hall v. Great Western Bank". October 2, 2010. Retrieved 26 July 2011.
  47. Mills, M.L. "Anti-Cult Group Active at USC". The Collegiate ADVISOR. Retrieved 26 July 2011.
  48. "Paul Morantz Papers Collection no.: 0346". USC Libraries Archival Collections. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
  49. "Snake bitten cult fighter speaks at college". Hutchinson News. 13 Feb 1979. p. 6. Retrieved 10 August 2011.
  50. "Cuyahoga Briefs - Morantz to give talk". Chronicle Telegram. 3 Apr 1979. p. B-1. Retrieved 10 August 2011.

External links
