Paul Marx (priest)

Paul Benno Marx OSB (May 8, 1920 – March 20, 2010) was Catholic priest and Benedictine monk, pro-life author and founder of Human Life Center at St. John's University (1971), Human Life International (1981) and Population Research Institute (1989).

Early Life (1920-1935)

Fr. Marx was born in St. Michael, Minnesota.

Human Life International (1980-199?)

"After nearly two decades on the faculty of St. Johns University, he was permitted by his order to dedicate himself to the fight for life and family full-time. Seeing the advance of anti-life forces before most did, he founded the Human Life Center in 1971, two years before Roe v. Wade, at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. In 1981, the Human Life Center became Human Life International (HLI), the world's first and largest international pro-life organization. Fr. Marx was president of HLI until his retirement in 1999." [1]

Retirement at the Abbey (199?-2010)

Once settled back at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, MN, Fr. Marx was in anything but retirement. He was still frequently traveling and maintaining correspondence with pro-life leaders around the globe.

Stories from his confreres

One of his confreres who was assigned to drive him to and from the airport, Bro. John Hansen, recalled that even late in his life, Fr. Marx was entirely consumed in the pro-life mission. Once while driving past a Minnesota Twins game in the Cities on the way back from the airport, Bro. John thought he might offer a distraction by pointing out that the baseball game was underway. Instead, without missing a beat, Fr. Marx replied with some statistic on the birthrate of Malaysia and urging him that "We can beat abortion!". Marveling at his impetuous fellow monk, Bro. John remarked with a smile, "Yes Father, but sometimes there's baseball."[2]

External links


  1. "Human Life International".
  2. Interview with Bro. John Hansen. Collegeville, MN. May 5, 2013.