Paul Fournel

Paul Fournel (born 20 May 1947 in Saint-Étienne) is a French writer, poet, publisher, and cultural ambassador. He was educated at the École normale supérieure of Saint-Cloud (1968–1972). Fournel wrote his master's thesis on Raymond Queneau and published the first book-length study of the Oulipo, Clefs pour la littérature potentielle ("Keys to potential literature"). He joined the Oulipo, first as "slave," then (in 1972) as full member, and he currently serves both as the Provisionally Definitive Secretary and the President of that group. He is also a regent of the College of 'Pataphysics.

Fournel has worked at various publishing houses, notably Hachette, Honoré Champion, Ramsay, and Seghers. From 1996 to 2000 he was director of the Alliance Française in San Francisco, and from 2000 to 2003 he was the French cultural attaché in Cairo. He is currently France's cultural attaché in London.



  1. Clefs pour la littérature potentielle, 1972
  2. L’Equilatère, 1972
  3. L’histoire véritable de Guignol, 1975
  4. Les petites filles respirent le même air que nous, 1978
  5. Les grosses rêveuses, 1981
  6. Les aventures très douces de Timothée le rêveur, 1982
  7. Un rocker de trop, 1982
  8. Les Athlètes dans leur tête, 1988 (adaptée en pièce de théatre avec pour comédien André Dussolier)
  9. Un homme regarde une femme, 2009
  10. Le jour que je suis grand, 1995
  11. Guignol, les Mourguet, 1995
  12. Pac de Cro détective, 1997
  13. Toi qui connais du monde, poèmes, 1997
  14. Alphabet Gourmand, 1998, avec Harry Mathews et Boris Tissot
  15. Foraine, 1999,
  16. Besoin de vélo, essai, 2001; Need for the Bike, trans. Allan Stoekl
  17. Timothée dans l'arbre, 2003,
  18. Poils de cairote, 2004
  19. Chamboula, 2007
  20. Les animaux d'amour, 2007

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