
Pathak is a surname of Brahmins in Nepal and North India. Usually a surname, Pathak is a Sanskrit word and means preceptor or a person who teaches. The Pathak surname is prevalent in Dadeldhura,Syangja, Butwal, Manigram, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Although small in numbers they are also found in Punjab,Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan, Assam and West Bengal. Bhumihar Brahmins have used Pathak as their surname. The people with surname Pathak are also prevalent in Bihar and Jharkhand. Some Shakdwipi Brahmins use Pathak as their surname. Pathaks from Punjab are generally Saraswat Brahmin and are of the Gotra Kaushal, Aatri, and Katyani. Pathaks in Jammu mainly belongs to gotra Gautam .

People with the surname Pathak
