Patent office in Indonesia

Brief History

Public service of law in the field of Intellectual Property Right (HKI) has been existed since colonialization in Indonesia. The first trademark has been registered by Hulpbureau Voor den Industrieelen Eigendom in January 10, 1894 in Batavia. Based on Reglement Industrieelen Eigendom 1912 Stbl.1912-545 jo 1913-214, Hulpbureau Voor den Industrieelen Eigendom was an institution under Department van Justice that executed the registration in specification of trademark in Indonesia.

Afterward based on Stbl. 1924 no. 576 ayat 2, the tasks and duties of Department Van Justitie (also) enclose to the field of industry ownership.

In the time of the independence of Republic of Indonesia, in accordance with the 1945 constitution, pasal II of temporary provision, Stbl. 1924 no. 576 was still valid by name transition into Office of Craft Ownership. In the year of 1947, Office of Craft Ownership moved to Surakarta and in October 9, 1947 the name changed to Office of Industry Ownership.

In the Period of RIS government, Office of Industry Ownership moved to Jakarta. Based on Government Regulation no. 60 th. 1948 about the employment field, the structure, management, tasks and duties of Minister of Justice including Office of Industry Ownership, Office of Industry Ownership consisted of:

Based on the Decision of Minister of Justice in February 12, 1964 no. J.S. 4/4/4 about Duties and Organization of Justice Department (completed by the decision of Minister of Justice in June 27, 1965 no. J.S. 4/4/24), the naming of Office of Industry Ownership was substituted by The Directorate of Patent Manner with some duties in establishing the regulations of inventory and creation protecting. Thus, based on the Decision of Minister of Justice, General Directorate of Patent not only dealt with trademark and patent, but also with copyright.

In the year of 1966, Cabinet Presidium yielded a decision no. 75/U/Kep/11/1966 about Department's Organization Structure and Work Division. In its contents, Directorate of Patent Affairs was substituted by Directorate of Patent, General Directorate of Justice and Constitution Management, which consisted of:

In the year of 1969, by the Decision Of President, no. 39/th.1969, General Directorate of Justice was formed. By this formation, General Directorate of Justice and Constitution Management was split to be General Directorate of Justice Management and General Directorate of Law Restoration included Directorate of Patent. Then General Directorate of Law Restoration of Republic of Indonesia had experienced the change of its structure of department organization in accordance with the Decision of President of Republic of Indonesia no. 45..

Both of those decisions had experienced some changes, and then they were simplified by the Decision of Minister of Justice in April 16, 1976 no. Y.S. 4/3/7. In the year of 1975, the Directorate of Patent changed to be the Directorate of Patent and Copyright under General Directorate of Law and Constitutions.

Organizational structure

Department of Administration
Sub Directorate of Trademark
Sub Directorate of Patent
Sub Directorate of Copyright
Sub Directorate of Commercial Law & Industry
Sub Registration of License and Announcement


  1. Indonesian Property Rights Office