Pascal Bruckner

Pascal Bruckner

Pascal Bruckner (2009)
Born 15 December 1948
Paris, France
Occupation Writer, essayist

Pascal Bruckner (French: [bʁyknɛʁ]; born 15 December 1948 in Paris) is a French writer, one of the "New Philosophers" who came to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s. Much of his work has been devoted to critiques of French society and culture.


Bruckner attended Jesuit schools in his youth.[1]

After studies at the universities of Paris I and Paris VII Diderot, and then at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Bruckner became maître de conférences at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris and a contributor to the Nouvel Observateur.

Bruckner began writing in the vein of the nouveaux philosophes or New Philosopers. He published Parias (Parias), Lunes de Fiel (adapted as a film by Roman Polanski) and Les voleurs de beauté (The Beauty Stealers) (Prix Renaudot in 1997). Among his essays are La tentation de l'innocence ("The Temptation of Innocence," Prix Médicis in 1995) and, famously, Le Sanglot de l'Homme blanc (The Tears of the White Man), an attack on narcissistic and destructive policies intended to benefit the Third World, and more recently "La tyrannie de la pénitence" (2006), an essay on the West's endless self-criticism, translated as "The Tyranny of Guilt" (2010).

From 1992 to 1999, Bruckner was an active supporter of the Croatian, Bosnian and Kosovar causes against Serbia, and he supported the NATO bombings of Serbia in 1999. In 2003, he supported the toppling of Saddam Hussein, but later he criticized the mistakes of the U.S. army and the use of torture in Abu Graib and Guantanamo.

Le Sanglot de l'Homme blanc

Le Sanglot de l'Homme blanc (The White Man's Tears), published by the Éditions le Seuil in May 1983, was a controversial opus. The author describes what he sees as the anti-Western and pro-Third-World sentimentalism of some of the Left in the West. The essay had an influence on a whole trend of thought, especially on Maurice Dantec and Michel Houellebecq. The title is a variation on Kipling's "White Man's Burden".

Criticism of multiculturalism

Bruckner's polemic stance against multiculturalism has kindled an international debate.[2] In an article titled "Enlightenment Fundamentalism or Racism of the Anti-Racists?", he defended Ayaan Hirsi Ali in particular against the criticisms of Ian Buruma and Timothy Garton Ash. According to Bruckner, modern philosophers from Heidegger to Gadamer, Derrida, Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno have mounted a broad attack on the Enlightenment, claiming that "all the evils of our epoch were spawned by this philosophical and literary episode: capitalism, colonialism, totalitarianism."[2] Bruckner agrees that the history of the twentieth century attests to the potential of modernity for fanaticism, but argues that the modern thought that issued from the Enlightenment proved capable of criticizing its own errors, and that "Denouncing the excesses of the Enlightenment in the concepts that it forged means being true to its spirit."[2]


See also

Notes and references

  1. Bruckner, Pascal (2013). Against Environmental Panic," The Chronicle of Higher Education, 17 June 2013, accessed 29 June 2013
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Pascal Bruckner, Enlightenment Fundamentalism or Racism of the Anti-Racists?, appeared originally in German in the online magazine Perlentaucher on 24 January 2007. (English)

External links